This Web App helps to user compose and send an email with Golang
- GO
Run the below command to access the application
git clone
go run mail.go
If you don't have go environment, you can use docker to use this application
Run the below command to access the web application
sudo docker run -d --name goweb -p 80:8080 anguda/golang:mail
Access application from your browser with below url
Run the below command to access the application
git clone
go run main.go
If you don't have go environment, you can use docker to use this application
Run the below commands to create mysql DB with Golang Web Application
docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name mysql anguda/mysql
docker run -d -p 8081:8080 --name gowebapp --link mysql anguda/golang:web-app
Access application from your browser with below url