React utility that displays a given text in a equilateral equilateral triangle shape. The triangle will have a width size given in px. Each letter of the text is positioned and rotated around the triangle, with a calculated rotation angle to ensure the text fits perfectly.
- Easy text arrangement: Distributes the letters of a text string in a equilateral triangular layout within an HTML container.
- Customizable text appearance: Allows customization of text color, font, and font weight. Precise positioning: Uses a relative-positioned container and absolutely-positioned elements to adjust text placement precisely.
- Precise positioning: Uses a relative-positioned container and absolutely-positioned elements to adjust text placement precisely.
- Support for custom fonts: Allows you to specify a custom font if needed, in addition to standard monospaced fonts.
- ESM and CJS support: Fully compatible with modern module systems.
- text (string): The text to be displayed in a equilateral triangular shape.
- size (number): The size of the triangle width in px where the letters will be placed (optional).
- id (optional string): The ID of the HTML container element where the triangular text will be inserted.
- options (optional object):
- color (string, default #000000): The text color.
- fontFamily (string, default "Menlo, monospace"): he font to be used. It can be one of the following monospaced fonts:'Menlo', 'Courier New', 'Consolas', 'Lucida Console', 'Monaco', 'monospace', or "customFont" if a custom font is desired.
- fontWeight (number, default 400): The weight of the font.
- fontSize (number, default 16): The size of the font.
You can install react-triangular-text
using your favorite package manager:
# Using pnpm
pnpm add react-triangular-text
# Using npm
npm install react-triangular-text
# Using yarn
yarn add react-triangular-text
Here's how to use the library in your project:
// CommonJS
const TriangularText = require('react-triangular-text');
// ES Modules
import TriangularText from 'react-triangular-text';
import TriangularText from 'react-triangular-text';
text="This words are being displayed as a triangle."
color: "black",
fontFamily: "Menlo",
fontWeight: 700,
fontSize: 16,
import TriangularText from 'react-triangular-text';
color: "blue",
fontFamily: "Menlo",
fontWeight: 700,
fontSize: 12,
import TriangularText from 'react-triangular-text';
color: "red",
fontFamily: "Menlo",
fontWeight: 400,
fontSize: 14,
If you want to contribute or run the project locally, follow these steps:
git clone
cd react-triangular-text
npm install
npm run test
npm run eslint
See for a detailed history of changes.
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
- Submit a pull request with a clear description of the changes.
See for more details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Created with ❤️ by Ángela Benavente.
GitHub Repository:
NPM Package: