A small genetic algorithm library meant for prototyping various individual representations and genetic operators.
stack install
stack exec gabble-exe
Users can define their own individuals and mutation operators or utilize the (limited) built-in ones. The primary interface of the library is a GAConfig
in which the user can specify a number of different parameters that dictate the execution of the GA.
data GAConfig i = Config {
-- the probability an individual is mutated
mutationRateInd :: Double
-- the probability a gene of an individual is mutated
, mutationRateGene :: Double
-- the percentage of the population that gets replaced through recombination
, crossoverRate :: Double
-- the population size
, popSize :: Int
-- the mutation method
, mutate :: i -> GAContext i i
-- the crossover method
, crossover :: i -> i -> GAContext i i
-- the method to create a new individual
, randomIndividual :: GAContext i i
-- the selection method
, selectionMethod :: Vector i -> GAContext i (Vector i)
-- the fitness function (higher fitness is preferred)
, fitness :: i -> Double
-- the number of generations
, numGenerations :: Int
-- the `hofSize` best individuals across all generations
, hofSize :: Int
-- function for information sourced from most recent snapshot
, logFunc :: GASnapshot i -> GAContext i ()
The most difficult part about the interface is defining the mutation, crossover, and random-individual methods. These must return a GAContext i i
where i
is the user's representation of an individual.
is a newtype for the RWS
newtype GAContext indv a = GAContext {
ctx :: RWS (GAConfig indv) [T.Text] PureMT a
} deriving (
MonadReader (GAConfig indv),
MonadWriter [T.Text],
MonadState PureMT
which allows the user to utilize the PureMT
pseudo-random number generator, write intermediate logging data, and reference the configurations they pass into the genetic algorithm.
An example of the above can be found in BinaryInd.hs
data BinaryInd = BI [Bool] deriving (Show)
instance Ord BinaryInd where
b1 `compare` b2 = (score b1) `compare` (score b2)
instance Eq BinaryInd where
(BI b1) == (BI b2) = b1 == b2
-- mutate a binary string representation
mutate :: BinaryInd -> GAContext BinaryInd BinaryInd
mutate ind@(BI bs) = do
-- grab individual and gene mutation rates
Config{mutationRateGene, mutationRateInd} <- ask
-- get a random double
indp <- randomD
-- if the value is less than mutation rate for an individual
if indp < mutationRateInd then
-- mutate each bit with `mutationRateGene` probability
fmap BI $ mapM (mutateBool mutationRateGene) bs
-- return the unaltered individual
return ind
-- recombine two individuals from the population
crossover :: BinaryInd -> BinaryInd -> GAContext BinaryInd BinaryInd
crossover (BI i1) (BI i2) = do
-- get the crossover rate
Config{crossoverRate} <- ask
-- get a random double
indp <- randomD
if indp < crossoverRate then do -- perform crossover
-- get booleans specifying which gene to take
code <- replicateM (length i1) randomBool
-- choose genetic material from first or second parent
let eitherOr = (\takeThis this that -> if takeThis then this else that)
-- perform uniform crossover
return . BI $ zipWith3 eitherOr code i1 i2
else do
-- choose the genetic material from one of the parents
chooseFirstParent <- randomBool
return . BI $ if chooseFirstParent then i1 else i2
-- create an individual, represented by a list, by
-- initializing its elements randomly
new :: GAContext BinaryInd BinaryInd
new = fmap BI $ replicateM 500 randomBool
-- count the number of `True` bools in the chromosome
score :: BinaryInd -> Double
score (BI bs) = fromIntegral . length . filter id $ bs
select :: Ord a => Vector a -> GAContext a (Vector a)
select pop = do
-- get the population size
Config{popSize} <- ask
-- get the number of individuals to breed
let numToSelect = round $ 0.2 * (fromIntegral popSize)
-- get the top 20% of the best-performing individuals
let selectedParents = V.take numToSelect . V.reverse $ V.modify sort pop
return selectedParents
Once mutate
, crossover
, new
, and fitness
have been defined, we can optimize for fitness. The GA will take care of initializing the population and evolving that population for a specified number of generations.
main :: IO ()
main = do
let cfg = Config {
mutationRateInd = 0.8
, mutationRateGene = 0.02
, crossoverRate = 0.7
, popSize = 100
, mutate = BI.mutate
, crossover = BI.crossover
, randomIndividual = BI.new
, selectionMethod = BI.select
, fitness = BI.score
, numGenerations = 200
, hofSize = 1
, logFunc = logHOF
-- run the genetic algorithm
(finalSnapshot, progress) <- evalGA cfg
-- output the best fitnesses as they're found
mapM_ (putStrLn . T.unpack) progress
Pull requests for the following will be considered:
- bug fixes
- performance improvements
- examples