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File metadata and controls

294 lines (193 loc) · 10.5 KB
  • The console object MUST be exposed programatically regardless of whether the console is visible or additional tools are installed.
  • Implementations MUST use a proxy implementation to ensure that calling unimplemented methods will never throw.
  • The Logging APIs MUST accept (and make use of for logging purposes) an arbitrary number of arguments.
  • Implementations SHOULD follow the follow the Format Specifiers recommendations
  • specified in this document, but MAY decide what format to log. Implementations MUST provide
  • high resolution timestamps for the Timing and Profiling APIs specified here.
  • Logging APIs SHOULD all be callable functions allowing them to be passed as arguments to error handling callbacks, forEach methods, etc.



console.assert(expression, object)

If the specified expression is false, the message is written to the console along with a stack trace.

// Assuming the element matching #myList contains 10 or more children
var list = document.querySelector('#myList');
console.assert(list.childNodes.length < 10, "#myList has 10 or more children!");

> #myList has 10 or more children!


Clears the console.



Writes the the number of times that count() has been invoked with the same label.

In the following example count() is invoked each time the login() function is invoked.

function test () {
    function login(user) {
        console.count("Login called for " + user);

> Login called for brian: 1
  Login called for paul: 1
  Login called for paul: 2

If no label is provided then the script url and line number of the console.count statement is used for associating the counter with console.count invocation.

In the following example count() is invoked without a label from two different functions.

function test1() {

function test2() {


> : 1            test-script.js:3
  : 1            test-script.js:7
  : 2            test-script.js:3

console.debug(object [,object, ...])

This method is an alias for to console.log().


Prints a JavaScript representation of the specified object. If the object being logged is an HTML element, the JavaScript Object view is forced (as opposed to the Element view)


// the above is equivalent to ...
// console.log("%0", document.body);


Prints an XML/HTML Element representation of the specified object if possible or the JavaScript Object view if it is not.

var list = document.querySelector("#myList");

// The above is equivalent to ...
// console.log("%o", list);

console.error(object [, object, ...])

Logs an error level message, including a stack trace indicating where it was called. It's input signature matches console.log().

function connectToServer() {
    var errorCode = 1;
    if (errorCode) {
        console.error("Error: %s (%i)", "Server is  not responding", 500);

console.exception(error-object[, object, ...])

An alias for console.error.[, object, ...])

Starts a new logging group with an optional title. All console output that occurs after calling this method and calling console.groupEnd() appears in the same visual group."Authenticating user '%s'", user);
console.log("User authenticated");

You can also nest groups:

// New group for authentication:"Authenticating user '%s'", user);
// later...
console.log("User authenticated", user);
// A nested group for authorization:"Authorizing user '%s'", user);
console.log("User authorized");

console.groupCollapsed(object[, object, ...])

Creates a new logging group that is initially collapsed instead of open, as with

console.groupCollapsed("Authenticating user '%s'", user);
console.log("User authenticated");
console.log("A group-less log message.");


Closes the most recently created logging group that previously created with or console.groupCollapsed(). See and console.groupCollapsed() for examples. [, object, ...])

Logs an info level message, it's signature is identical to console.log().


Writes a simple boolean rendered indicating whether a DOMElement is composited independently from the main UI thread and will not risk blocking UI operations or script execution. (Non-standard/proposed. Currently only supported in IE10+, prefixed, and at least in IE10 it is only present on the console object if the javascript debugger is in debug mode see IE reference

console.log(object [, object, ...])

Logs a debug level message. You pass one or more objects to this method, each of which are evaluated and concatenated into a space-delimited string. The first parameter you pass to console.log() may contain Format Specifiers.

console.table(data[, columns])

Allows to log provided data using tabular layout. data can be an array of arrays or list of objects), the optional second (array) parameter can be used to filter specific particular columns/properties to be logged.

console.trace(object [, object, ...])

Equivalent to console.log except that it also adds stack trace from the point where the method was called. Implementations should include links to the specific lines in the JavaScript source if possible, and may provide grouping and an (optional/configurable) counter indicating the number of times that console.trace() method was invoked at that point.

console.warn(object [, object, ...])

Logs a warn level message, it's signature is identical to console.log().

console.warn("User limit reached! (%d)", userPoints);

Format Specifiers

Format specifiers are supported by some console methods. They allow developers to suggest specifically formatted data to be output. The functions supporting these specifiers are console.debug(), console.error(),, console.log() and console.warn().

Specifier Description
%s Formats the value as a string (cooercing via toString() if necessary)
%d, %i Formats the value as an integer
%f Formats the value as a floating point value
%o Formats the value as an expandable DOM Element (or JavaScript Object if it is not)
%O Formats the value as an expandable JavaScript Object
%c Formats the output string according to CSS styles you provide
  • Firebug supports limiting the number of decimal places via %.xf, where x is the number of decimal places.
console.log("Hello %s", "Brian");
> Hello Brian

// If the number of values exceeds the number of formatters, inputs should be appended/space delimited 
console.log("I am %s and I have:", "1", 2, 3, 4);
> I am 1 and I have: 2 3 4

// Only the first argument to methods fill apply format specfiers.
console.log("I am", "Paul", "and I have %d:", "1", 2, 3, 4);
> I am Paul and I have %d: 1 2 3 4



Calling this function initiates a JavaScript CPU profile with an optional label. To complete the profile, call console.profileEnd().

In the following example a CPU profile is started at the entry to a function that is suspected to consume excessive CPU resources, and ended when the function exits.

function processPixels() {
  console.profile("Processing pixels");
  // later, after processing pixels
  • console.profiles used to be an array storing profile data. It was removed in Chrome and Safari.
  • multiple profile() calls can overlap in Chrome, however in IE11, only one recording at a time is allowed.


Stops the current JavaScript CPU profiling session, if one is in progress, and prints the report to the Profiles panel.

console.timeline([label]) and console.timelineEnd([label])

Initates (and ends) a timeline profiling session. Supported in Chrome.



Starts a new timer with an associated label. When console.timeEnd() is called with the same label, the timer is stopped the elapsed time displayed in the Console. Timer values are accurate to the sub-millisecond.

console.time("Array initialize");
var array= new Array(1000000);
for (var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    array[i] = new Object();
console.timeEnd("Array initialize");


Stops the timer with the specified label and prints the elapsed time.

For example usage, see console.time().


This method adds an event to the Timeline during a recording session. This lets you visually correlate your code generated time stamp to other events, such as screen layout and paints, that are automatically added to the Timeline.

  • IE11 uses performance.mark() from the ********** spec to mark the Timeline and does not support console.timeStamp
  • Safari and Chrome used to support console.markTimeline() but this was deprecated after discussion with Firebug and timeStamp() was agreed on.

