Development made in order to intuitively display all user's courses in a Moodle block. The block will need the local plugin which will contain all libs and fonctions needed to this display and also for course bookmarks management (feature not available in a basic Moodle).
- Moodle 3.3 (build 2017051500) or later.
-> Tests on Moodle 3.3 to 3.11.0 versions. - Moodle UCA My Courses Block (build 2018020801) to show plugin's informations.
- Bootstrap support in your moodle theme.
- JS Plugin Jstree => (available in jstree/).
- Local plugin installation
- Git way:
git clone local/uca_mycourses
- Download way:
Download the zip from , unzip it in local/ folder and rename it "uca_mycourses" if necessary.
- Block installation
- Git way:
git clone blocks/uca_mycourses
- Download way:
Download the zip from , unzip it in blocks/ folder and rename it "uca_mycourses" if necessary.
- To use the plugin we needed to change some moodle core elements like update the schema of one of the database tables (see /db/install.php file) and update a function in the lib/moodlelib.php file because we use the mdl_user_preferences table to save our bookmarks.
In function set_user_preference, the code fragment below must be deleted or at least in comment (it will throw an exception if the preference value length has more than 1333 characters):
// Value column maximum length is 1333 characters.
$value = (string)$value;
if (core_text::strlen($value) > 1333) {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid value in set_user_preference() call, value is is too long for the value column');
Then visit your Admin Notifications page to complete the installation.
Once installed, you should see new administration options:
Site administration -> Plugins -> Blocks -> My courses block -> list_view_limit
This option will decide since how many courses we display the "My courses" block on tree view and it will be used only if the user has not chosen a preference view yet.
Site administration -> Plugins -> Blocks -> My courses block -> roles_to_exclude
This option will decide roles you want to exclude from the block. If users have this/these role(s) in a course it won't be visible in the block (and can not be bookmarked).
- Display the list of your course in a block according 2 views (a tree view or a list view).
- Display courses you chose to bookmark.
- Advanced bookmarks management (filing in folders, renaming, display or not in the block, updates in cases of deletion).
- Option to display or not finished courses.
Université Clermont Auvergne - 2021.