This application acts as a companion for the tabletop rpg game: Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. The companion app allows you to keep track of and store your in-game characters. You may also roll any amount of the featured starwars dice so that your adventure may unfold into the legendary campaign it was always meant to be.
Check out the deployed app and start your campaign today!
- User may create a new character that contains their information, characteristics, and skills.
- Dice rolls can be be configured to any desired combination.
- All of your characters can be seen in one place.
- Skills may be edited whenever you want.
- Optimized for Mobile View.
Clone the project and install dependencies
git clone
cd swrpg-fe
npm install
npm start
- Account Authorization.
- Visual Dice Rolls.
- Permanent roll history.
- Friends list with social features.
- More character editing abilities.
- Calibrate media queries for desktop view.
This project was our capstone project for our final module at Turing, school of software and design. It was our first chance to work on a full-stack team as we were now paired with those who did the backend program at Turing. Our special-feature, exclusive behind-the-scene database may be seen here. Extra content includes the queries we used to make the magic happen!
Learning goals:
- Gain experience working with a back-end team
- Implement a git rebase workflow
- Learn about GraphQL and using the Apollo Client
- Capturing the character ID created after the first page of the form is submitted, then passing that value to the final pages of the form
- Intercepting/Stubbing GraphQL responses in the Cypress testing
- Implementing GraphQL mutations
I learned SO MUCH from this project! There were a lot of new experiences happening all at once, but I did my best to keep tackling tasks one at a time without getting overwhelmed. I think the front end could have really benefitted from making the connection to the back end sooner, or setting a firm JSON contract early. I also struggled with spending a little too much time researching GraphQL up front, which didn't leave enough time to fully complete our implementation and testing. I think our team did a great job of communicating despite our scattered schedules, and I'm really proud of what we accomplished! There's a ton of room for continued growth on this project, and I'd like to continue making improvements/ (I really want to set up some user authentication!)
Learning goals: Our stretch technology chosen for this project was Apollo & GraphQL. I have never used anything outside of RESTful APIs and found this project as an opportunity to expand my knowledge in the area. I also wanted to know what it was like to work amongst an actual backend team for this project.
Challenges: Exploring the unknown is always a challenge, especially when involving technlogies that span between both developer stacks. It was fortunate that communication was prominent in our team and we were able to bridge a connection between Apollo and GraphQL. It was challenging that we didn't try to establish this connection more early on. Also, the logic for the dice seemed decievingly easy when establishing the features we needed. Since all of the dice have custom values, we had create a dice mechanic which required a lot of logic for it to be able to operate the way it woud in real life.