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Given P(x) = (p_N-1)·x^N + (p_N-2)·x^N-2 + ... + (p_0) the problem is to find x_k, k = {1,N} such as P(x_k) = 0

The Laguerre method guarantees convergence to some root regardless the initial guess. In this sense, this code is based on calling the Lagurre method several times until the N roots are found.

Since P(x) can be expressed in terms of its roots, P(x) = (x-x_N)·(x-x_N-1)· ... · (x-x_1), we split the products into sums by taking the natural logarithm of P(x), so

ln(P(x)) = ln(|x - x_N|) + ln(|x - x_N-1|) + ... + ln(|x - x_1|)

Now, G(x) and H(x) are the first and the second derivatives of ln(P(x)):

G(x) = d(ln(P(x)))/dx = 1/(x-x_N) + 1/(x-x_N-1) + ... 1/(x-x_1) H(x) = d^2(ln(P(x)))/dx^2 = 1/(x-x_N)^2 + 1/(x-x_N-1)^2 + ... 1/(x-x_1)^2

At this point, the Laguerre's method assumes that each root, x_k, is isolated from the others, which are bunched. The distance between x_k and the other roots is denoted as dx and this can be used for deriving the following formula for finding the root. This process is repeated until dx -> 0 which means that the algorithm converged to the root.

The price of the algorithm simplicity is that Laguerre's method has more computational load than, e.g., Jenkins-Traub method which is the standard method for root solving in most commercial software packages.

Notice that the code structure as well as the way the formulas were implemented was inspired by [2]

References: [1] Numerical Methods that Work. Forman S. Acton. The mathematical association of America. 1990 [2] Numerical Recipes in C. The art of scientific computing. Second Edition. William H. Press et al. Cambridge University Press. 1992

How to compile

g++ main.cpp LaguerreMethod.cpp -O3

The coefficients of the polynom to solve are specified at the 'LaguerreMethod' class constructor. These coefficients are passed as a complex valued deque structure. Notice that the roots are calculated by using the 'solve_roots()' method


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


Author: Andrés Martínez-Mera, 2017 mailto:


Root solver using the Laguerre method






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