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123 lines (91 loc) · 3.02 KB

File metadata and controls

123 lines (91 loc) · 3.02 KB


Translate stuff from Machine -> Human and back again Human -> Machine


Given an input, it translates it to a more human form

human 1000000
> 1_000_000
> 1M

human "0 0 1 1 *"
> yearly 

human aGVsbG8gd29ybGQK
> hello world

You can also translate human into machine

human 5GB
> 5000000000

human "run five minutes after midnight every day"
> 5 0 * * *

File Organization

e2e/      # End-to-End testing
cmds/     # The auxiliary arguments and commands which are not `format`s (for example `human -h`)
format/   # The things this knows how to read and write. The interface main.go is calling
io/       # Input/Output functions and types
parsers/  # The functions that do the actual work, called by `format`s

Code Concepts

There are 3 core interfaces at play:

The Parser is the thing that actually does the translating work.

A Format houses a Parser or many parsers depending on the complexity of the format, it acts as a wrapper between a Command and a Parser

The Command is what something has to implement in order to show information via help and to actually get executed by the main function. By design every Format also implements Command

End to End Testing

Organization of files looks like this

e2e/     # reads shell scripts and runs them

The script will:

  • run string replacement
  • execute the steps of a test
  • show outcomes



cd e2e
mkdir tmp
export E2E_TMP_DIR=$repo/e2e/tmp
./ $paths-to-yaml-file


    - name: "It should do something"
      setup: |
        echo "setting up"

      test: |
        var="is the test"
        echo "this ${var}"

      cleanup: |
        echo "cleaning up"

    - name: "It should do something else"
      test: |
        echo "doing something else"
  • For each case, only the test property is mandatory, everything else is optional
  • For each test, if the script returns non-zero (0) then that will be marked as failed and you'll get both standard error and standard out for said script to the screen
  • @TODO All the tests run asynchronously
  • The following tokens will be replaced by the runner
Token Replace with
%%human%% The path to the binary output by go build
%%shouldfail%% Will only pass if the %%human%% returns non-zero
%%notimpiementedyet%% Will only pass if the %%human%% returns the @notimpiementedyet strings. This is to write placeholder tests that you want to actually implement later but you don't want tests to fail