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100 Days Of Learning

Log book - Week X

Day 84: 31 May 2021

Today: Worked through lesson 6 & 7

Thoughts: n/a

Key concepts:

  1. You can have multiple modifiers like frame, background etc.

     .frame(height: 477)
     .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
     .background(Image(uiImage: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Card3")))
     .background(Color(#colorLiteral(red: 0.4117647059, green: 0.4705882353, blue: 0.9725490196, alpha: 1)))
  2. To align background content to the bottom of it's frame.

     .background(Image(uiImage: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Card3")), alignment: .bottom)



Day 85: 1 June 2021

Today: Worked through lesson 8 to 10.

Thoughts: n/a

Key concepts:

  1. SwiftUI text field

     TextField("Your Email".uppercased(), text: $email)
  2. Secure entry text field

     SecureField("Password".uppercased(), text: $password)
  3. To dismiss the keyboard

     func hideKeyboard() {
         UIApplication.shared.sendAction(#selector(UIResponder.resignFirstResponder), to: nil, from: nil, for: nil)


  1. LottieFiles

Day 86: 2 June 2021

Today: Worked through lessons 11 & 12. Login with Firebase.

Thoughts: n/a

Key concepts:




Day 87: 3 June 2021

Today: Worked through lessons 13 to 15.

Thoughts: n/a

Key concepts:

  1. You can bind/inject objects using @EnvironmentObject and provide the value to a view using .enivornmentObject(theInstance)
  2. Y is important because of such and such



Day 88: 4 June 2021

Today: Completed "Build an app with SwiftUI Parts 1 - 3".

Thoughts: This was a long course!

Key concepts:




Day 89: 5 June 2021

Today: Learned how to model Steel square tubing in Fusion 360

Thoughts: Did a lot of sanding today.

Key concepts:

  • Start a sketch
  • Parameters: SteelWidth = 25mm, SteelHeight = 25mm, SteelThickness = 2mm, SteelOuterRadius = 1.5 * SteelThickness, SteelInnerRadius = 1.0 * SteelThickness
  • Draw a rectangle: SteelWidth x SteelHeight
  • Draw the inside rectangle: (SteelWidth - (SteelThickness * 2)) x (SteelHeight - (SteelThickness * 2))
  • Dimension the inside rectangle to be SteelThickness away from bottom and left side
  • Fillet the outside corners with SteelOuterRadius
  • Filler the inside corners with SteelInnerRadius
  • End sketch and Extrude to length



Day 90: 6 June 2021

Today: A couple of woodworking tips and more on modeling with Fusion 360.

Thoughts: Spent some more time on the quick desk built today. Joined the legs. Stained all of it.

Key concepts:

  1. Use anti-fog spray on goggles / masks etc. Motorcyclist use it.
  2. Can use a digital inclometer to set a honing guide for sharpening plane blades.


  1. Woodworking tips
  2. Model Diresta's workbench