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This repository contains the model that I wrote for the research project for my MSc in theoretical physics. The model aims to describe collective motion using Q-learning with orientation-based rewards.

In this documentation, I will explain the technical details of the model. The conceptual framework is written down in my thesis, which can be found here.

Getting started

First setup your (virtual) environment:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Simulations can then be performed in a couple of different ways:

  1. Start a regular simulation directly by creating an instance of the Field class. An integer should be passed that specifies the number of birds.

    >>> from field import Field
    >>> Field(100)

    Two other ways in which a Field instance can run is by recording a movie:

    >>> Field(100, record_mov = True, sim_length = 5000)

    or just recording the data:

    >>> Field(100, record_data = True, plot = False, sim_length = 5000)

    The quantities that are recorded can be further specified using the record_quantities keyword.

  2. Start a simulation with fixed Q-tables from a given file (the output of a Q-learning training phase with record_data = True)

    >>> from main import load_from_Q
    >>> load_from_Q(fpath = 'data/20200531/2-VI/20200531-100329-Q.npy')
  3. Start a simulation with fixed Q-values from a specific value of Delta

    >>> from main import load_from_Delta
    >>> load_from_Delta(0.2)
  4. Start multiple simulations at the same time using multiprocessing, with the option of adjusting parameters in different runs:

    >>> pars = [
    ...     {'observation_radius': value}
    ...     for value in [10, 50, 100, 150]
    ... ]
    >>> run_parallel(pars, sim_length = 10_000, comment = 'vary_obs_rad')

    NB: There is a complication regarding multiprocessing and the python random module, which sometimes results in very similar initializations. This problem has not been solved yet. Cf. this blog post.

  5. If the Q-tables of a given simulation are saved regularly (using the option Q_every), these are saved in some directory, different (short) simulations can be performed for every saved Q-table. The graphs on the right hand side of this and this figure have been generated using this option.

    >>> data_dir = 'path/to/some/dir'
    >>> run_Q_dirs(data_dir)
  6. Run a benchmark test and create a figure with the results

    >>> from main import benchmark
    >>> benchmark()
    >>> p.plot_all(
    ...     quantity = 't', save_as = 'benchmark.png',
    ...     title = 'Benchmark test', legend = 8
    ... )

All options for the Field and Bird classes

field.Field(numbirds, sim_length = 12500, record_mov = False, record_data = False, record_time = False, record_quantities = [], field_dims = FIELD_DIMS, periodic = True, plotscale = PLOTSCALE, plot = True, comment = '', Q_every = 0, repos_every = 0, record_every = 500, **kwargs)

  • numbirds: Number of birds in the field (only required parameter).
  • sim_length: Number of timesteps the simulation will be running (only works when plot = False)
  • record_mov: Boolean specifiying wether to record a movie or not.
  • record_data: Boolean specifiying wether to record data of the simulation. Default quantities will be chosen, depending on learning_alg. These choices can be overwritten using record_quantities.
  • record_quantities: List of quantities to be recorded during a simulation. Overwrites the default options. Possible choices are:
    • 'v': The normalized average flight direction.
    • 'Q': The final Q-tables of the birds.
    • 'Delta': The normalized distance from the optimal policy. The optimal policy is defined as the policy in which the followers always choose to follow their neighbours ('V'), and the leaders always choose to follow their instinct ('I'). Delta is a measure for how far a given set of Q-tables is from this optimal policy.
    • 'policies': The final policies of the birds.
    • 'instincts': The instincts of the birds in the field. For leaders this equals 'E' (the eastward direction), for followers any of ['N', 'S', 'W'].
    • 't': The calculation time of each timestep (for tracking the performance of the script).
  • field_dims: The dimensions of the field.
  • periodic: Turning the periodic boundaries on or off.
  • plotscale: A number controlling the size of the plot.
  • plot: Boolean specifying wether to plot the data in real time or not.
  • comment: Some additional comment that will be included in parameters.json.
  • Q_every: If non-zero, the Q-tables of the birds will be regularly saved in a separate directory in intervals specified by this parameter. Note that this requires some storage (for 100 birds, each set of Q-tables takes up 10 MB).
  • repos_every: If non-zero, the birds will be randomly repositioned after each number of timesteps specified by this parameter.
  • record_every: Specifies the interval for recording the data.

All other options will be passed to the birds.Birds instance.

birds.Birds(numbirds, field_dims, action_space = A, observation_space = O, leader_frac = 0.25, reward_signal = R, learning_alg = 'Q', alpha = alpha, gamma = gamma, epsilon = epsilon, Q_file = '', Q_tables = None, gradient_reward = True, observation_radius = d, instincts = [], eps_decr = 0)

numbirds and field_dims will be inherited from the Field class. All other options are:

  • action_space: The action space of the birds. Possible options are:
    • 'V': When choosing this option, the bird fill fly into the average flight direction of its neighbours (a Vicsek-type interaction).
    • 'I': When choosing this option, the bird will follow it's own instinct (one of the four cardinal directions).
    • ['N', 'E', 'S', 'W']: When choosing one of these actions, the bird will fly into the corresponding cardinal direction. These actions represent a form of free motion of the birds.
    • 'R': When choosing this action, the bird will fly into a direction at random. For the thesis, action_space = ['V', 'I'] is used.
  • observation_space: The observation space of the birds. An observation is by default a tuple of numbers enumerating the number of birds flying into each possible flight direction. Should be adjusted with caution, since Birds.perform_observations implicitly depends on this default choice.
  • leader_frac: The leader fraction of the birds (percentage of birds for which the instinctive drection is 'E').
  • reward_signal: The maximal reward signal.
  • gradient_reward: If True, rewards are given as R \cos{\theta}, where R is the value of reward_signal. If False, a discrete reward system is used, meaning that the reward is R only when \theta = 0, and 0 otherwise.
  • learning_alg: The learning algorithm used. Possible values are:
    • 'Q': The Q-learning algorithm is used (details in
    • 'Ried': A short term learning algorithm is used, inspired by Ried e.a.
    • 'pol_from_Q': This starts a simulation with fixed Q-tables, which can be passed from a file with Q_file, or directly via Q_tables.
  • alpha: The learning rate (a Q-learning parameter)
  • gamma: The discount rate (a Q-learning parameter)
  • epsilon: The exploration parameter (for the epsilon-greedy policy used in combination with Q-learning)
  • Q_file: Filename of a .npy file with the Q-tables of the birds, used for learning_alg = 'pol_from_Q'. The dimension of the numpy array should equal (numbirds, len(observation_space), len(action_space)).
  • Q_tables: Numpy array with the Q-tables of the birds, used for learning_alg = 'pol_from_Q'. The dimension of the numpy array should equal (numbirds, len(observation_space), len(action_space)).
  • observation_radius: radius used for the Vicsek action (any bird within this distance will be considered a neighbour).
  • instincts: Possibility of manually fixing the instincts of the birds. If None, a percentage of leader_frac will have instinct 'E', and the others are initalized randomly.
  • eps_decr: If non-zero, the value of the learning parameter epsilon will decrease gradually over the number of timesteps specified by this option. This allows for a learning and training phase within the same run.