Run everything through main.R
and make sure to set the initial parameters
correctly. The script requires the download and storage of ca. 1.2 GB of data,
so choose working directory accordingly.
R packages:
tidyverse (>=1.3.1)
- Downloading latest data from the Comtrade database through the parameter
comtradeDownloader <- TRUE
requires theComtradeDatabaseDownloader
package and a premium site license subscription.
Stata packages:
wrangle <- TRUE
Will tell the script to run through the downloading and wrangling steps. If set
, the script will download an archived, completed dataset. The file
was archived at 28 April 2022.
comtradeDownloader <- TRUE
Will tell the script to use the ComtradeDatabaseDownloader
package to
extract the latest available data from Comtrade. If set to FALSE
, the script
will download an archived version extracted at 27 April 2022.
Downloading a fresh dataset from Comtrade will require around 2 hours to
complete. The connection might also fail, which requires you to re-run the
script. The downloader does have a backup system which means you do not have
to start re-downloading everything.
comtradeToken <- ""
If the above parameter is set to TRUE
, input a valid Comtrade API token here.
See the ComtradeDatabaseDownloader
repository for further details.
options("RStata.StataPath" = "\"C:\\Program Files\\Stata17\\StataSE-64\"")
Used to set the path to the Stata executable installed on your system.
Optionally, you can use the chooseStataBin()
function. See the
repository for further details.
options("RStata.StataVersion" = 17)
Assign the version number of your Stata installation
9 regression output tables, saved in the standard Stata .smcl