The IoTGateway application is based on a Mosquitto MQTT broker with an authentication plugin and ACL checks. It also contains a node.js application to provide a web interface for device management. All componenets are Dockerized, and defined as services with Docker-compose.
- mauthp Mosquitto MQTT broker with auth plugin using authdb
- mqttadmin node.js web application for device management
- authdb Mongo database to store device data
Start the services:
docker-compose up
The service addresses are:
- webadmin localhost :3000
- mqtt localhost :1883
- db localhost :27017
Stop the services:
docker-compose down
More useful commands at the Update section
Using MQTT clients: - [mosquitto_sub]( - [mosquitto_pub]( client packages:
sudo apt install mosquitto_clients
Add a device on the webadmin page localhost:3000
Subscribe to a topic (grant read permission r
to the topic)
mosquitto_sub -u <USERNAME> -P <PASS> -t <TOPIC>
mosquitto_sub -u mydevice -P mypass -t /device/mytype/mydevice
Open another terminal and publish to the same topic (grant write permission w
to the topic)
mosquitto_pub -u <USERNAME> -P <PASS> -t <TOPIC> -m <MSG>
mosquitto_pub -u mydevice -P mypass -t /device/mytype/mydevice -m "hello"
The mosquitto_sub terminal should show a hello
You could also test:
- subscribe/publish without or wrong username and password
- subscribe to a topic without granted read permission
- publish to a topic without granted write permission
If you want to update only one service: List the containers
docker-compose ps
Stop the service
docker-compose stop <service>
Delete it
docker-compose rm <service>
Build it
docker-compose build <service>
Start it again
docker-compose up -d --no-deps <service>
- update to Docker-compose v3
- generate logger password from ENV, block new device creation with the logger name
- compare with the official mosquitto Dockerfile
- multistage build to minimalize the image size
- move application to a standard location (/usr/bin/)
- add security to authdb
- logging with plugin instead of a client subscribe to all topics
- show connected clients
- show resent messages
- REST API for device (batch) CRUD
- secure REST API with users and permissions
- add graph web application: real time and history data, multiple devices