hi! ok. well for starters here let's make a blank script in your nest_
folder. it's great fun following along. nest is a library, so before digging in we have to include some stuff:
include 'lib/nest/core'
include 'lib/nest/norns'
nest is a folder of lua files, we call the lua files modules. core
& norns
are the modules that are required at minimum. ~ cool ~
we introduced you to nest_
and _affordance
in the intro. both are special cases of the plain old lua table, with secret functions that allow them to do various cool other things. let's make a nest:
n = nest_ { foo = 42 }
easy! looks like a table to me. for the lua nerds, note this is actually a syntactially-sugary form of:
n = nest_:new({ foo = 42 })
I think you'll agree the first form is nicer. while we're at it, there's one more style to know about:
n = nest_(10)
m = nest_('a', 'b', 'c')
both these make a nest with more nests already inside of it. n
with have sub-nests from n[1]
to n[10]
, m
will have sub-nests m.a
, m.b
, m.c
. that'll come in handy a little later.
so yes, we can put nests in nests (hence the name). you'll usually do it this way:
dave = nest_ {
things = nest_ {
more_things = nest_ {
or maybe like this:
dave = nest_ {
nest_ {
nest_ {
(the difference of course is in how they are addressed, dave.more_things
vs. dave[2]
. same old table basics here!)
affordances also live in nests.
affordances look much like nests like tables, but typically what you fill them with has special meaning. the fillings are called properties. the two universal properties are value
and action
dave = nest_ {
elanore = _affordance {
value = 0,
action = function(self, value)
action is a function, value can be anything (usually it's a number or many numbers). the idea here is whenever value changes, it's sent as the second argument to the action
function. it's a very similar principle to how the params
system operates. if you paste the snippet above in your blank script, we can test this out in the REPL.
run dave.elanore.value = 5
followed by dave.elanore:update()
in the output we should get ourselves a nice wonderful:
simple stuff. we set the value directly, and the update
function takes the value and sends it to action
. the first argument to action we've called self
and it gets assigned to the affordance calling action in the first place (elanore
affordances come with some special properties that help us know who we are and what's around us:
dave = nest_ {
dale = _affordance {
value = 5,
action = function(self, value)
print("my name is " .. self.key)
print("my value is " .. value)
elanore = _affordance {
value = 6,
action = function(self, value)
print("my name is " .. self.key)
print("my value is " .. value)
print("dale's value is " .. self.parent.dale.value)
this time, we can just call dave:update()
to update the whole structure and run the action functions. you'll get something like this (exact order might be scrambled):
my name is dale
my value is 5
my name is elanore
my value is 6
dale's value is 5
with self.key
we can access the name that was given to the affordance within its parent nest (be it elanore
or 5
). there's also parent
which returns the nest one level up from the affordance. if you need two levels up, you can access parent.parent
or however deep your family tree runs. within elenore, we're able to get the value of our sibling dale
by looking at our dad dave
and going back down from there:
print("dale's value is " .. self.parent.dale.value)
one more special nest trick - in the REPL, call print(dave)
. what we get back out is nearly what we put in:
elanore = _affordance {
value = 6,
observable = true,
enabled = true,
persistent = true,
action = function() end,
dale = _affordance {
value = 5,
observable = true,
enabled = true,
persistent = true,
action = function() end,
enabled = true,
observable = true,
persistent = true,
this can be useful for checking in on the system, the values and other properties will show their current state as changes are made. we even get a glimpse at some more properties that come pre-set with a new nest or affordance (we'll cover what their particular meanings later on). action
and value
also come pre-set. if we print a blank affordance we can still see them there:
print(_affordance {})
action = function() end,
persistent = true,
observable = true,
enabled = true,
value = 0,
this means that we don't need to provide value
to an affordance (or even action
) - the affordance will always be pre-supplied with some kind of neutral state. this will be the case for any propery of a particular affordance (some affordances have lots of properties - you don't need to understand all of them to use it).
typically, whenever our norns script loads we'll want to kick things off by updating all affordances. for this, we have a special function called init
which does the updating in addition to some other behind the scenes tasks. natually we stick this in the init global function:
function init()
if we re-run the snippet we'll see those printouts right away.
well by now you may have noticed that nothing quite that interesting has happened - let's change that... or, well we'll try. things lighting up is a decent shot.
plug in the grid & start a fresh script. we'll add one more module to the stack this time around:
include 'lib/nest/core'
include 'lib/nest/norns'
include 'lib/nest/grid'
for starters, now that we're actually working with harware we'll need to add an extra step to tell our nest to connect to that harware:
our_nest:connect {
g = grid.connect()
the keys & values of that connect table are specific to each device & you can connect a single nest to any number of devices - or you can have two nests talking to two different grids.
lights time!
n = nest_ {
light = _grid.fill {
x = 1,
y = 1,
level = 15
n:connect { g = grid.connect() }
function init() n:init() end
well, just one light - in the upper left corner - but hey at least something is happening now. we've introduced our first grid affordance, called fill
, which lives in a handy table for all the grid affordances called _grid
. each affordance brings along it's own set of properties in addition to the basics. pretty expected stuff so far - x
and y
set a position, level
sets led brightness. change level
to 4 and you'll get something dimmer. these three properties change the appearence - or output behavior - of the affordance. other affordances will show us properties that configure input behavior as well (some change both!)
although fill
, has a value, it doesn't have any particular meaning when it comes to input or output - let's switch it out for a number
n = nest_ {
light = _grid.number {
x = { 1, 5 },
y = 1,
level = 15,
action = function(self, value)
n:connect { g = grid.connect() }
function init() n:init() end
this time, we're sending a table to x
because number
occupies multiple keys - we're telling the affordance to stretch from 1 to 5 on the first row. running the script again you'll also see a light in the top left. as before, you can run:
n.light.value = 3
in the REPL to update the value. when you run update
this time, you'll see the light move to the the third key - but the easier way to update value is to interact wiht the grid - each keypress will scoot the light, run the action function, and print to the REPL.
but printing is boring, let's make sounds ! = "PolyPerc"
scale = { 0, 2, 4, 7, 9 } -- scale degrees in semitones
root = 440 * 2^(5/12) -- the d above middle a
function play(deg)
local octave = -2
local note = scale[deg]
local hz = root * 2^octave * 2^(note/12)
n = nest_ {
keyboard = _grid.number {
x = { 1, 5 },
y = 1,
level = 15,
action = function(self, value)
n:connect { g = grid.connect() }
function init() n:init() end
with the addition of an engine & some simple music theory we can use our number
to index a chosen scale - each keypress pinging the engine with a new note. a teeny tiny keyboard is born!
our first study script is a tiny strummed instrument with locational awareness. each number
plays a single note based on its value
and y
positon before influencing the affordance above it, causing a chain reaction (simple clock delays are used to create the strumming effect).
include 'lib/nest/core'
include 'lib/nest/norns'
include 'lib/nest/grid' = "PolyPerc"
scale = { 0, 2, 4, 7, 9 } -- scale degrees in semitones
root = 440 * 2^(5/12) -- the d above middle a
function play(deg, oct)
local octave = oct - 3
local note = scale[deg]
local hz = root * 2^octave * 2^(note/12)
strum = nest_ {
_grid.number {
x = { 1, 5 },
y = 1,
value = math.random(5),
action = function(self, value)
play(value, self.y)
_grid.number {
x = { 1, 5 },
y = 2,
value = math.random(5),
action = function(self, value)
play(value, self.y)
local above = self.parent[self.key - 1]
above.value = (above.value == 1) and 5 or (above.value - 1)
_grid.number {
x = { 1, 5 },
y = 3,
value = math.random(5),
action = function(self, value)
play(value, self.y)
local above = self.parent[self.key - 1]
above.value = math.random(5)
_grid.number {
x = { 1, 5 },
y = 4,
value = math.random(5),
action = function(self, value)
play(value, self.y)
local above = self.parent[self.key - 1]
above.value = above.value % 5 + 1,
strum:connect { g = grid.connect() }
function init()
- change to a different scale
- add another row, or widen the scale table and the affordance widths
- have row 1 affect row 4, creating an infinite loop
- part 1: nested affordances
- part 2: multiplicity
- part 3: affordance overview
- part 4: state & meta-affordances