The code is written in Python and requires Python version 2.6 or later (but not Python 3) with the following external Python libraries:
In addition, some of the plotting functions may require:
For a successful installation of Assilumo, SUNDIALS must also be installed.
A script for installing Sundials and Assimulo is provided:
The script downloads ths Sundials tarball and installs in a local folder (./sundials). It then installs Assimulo in the local user folder using pip. The installation can then be checked running:
After the installation the user must add the path to the Sundials lib folder (./sundials/lib) to its enviroment variable (LD_LIBRARY_PATH).
A basic example of how to run the code is provided by If all dependencies have been successfully installed, this code can be run as: -p parameters.ini -o output.dat -P
The resulting output will be written to the output file output.dat. If the flag -P is set, a simple plot showing the evolution of the energy densities will also be displayed.
For a detailed documentation (currently under construction), read the docs
For questions, comments and bug reports, contact Andre Lessa at