Releases: anct-cartographie-nationale/client-application
Releases · anct-cartographie-nationale/client-application
5.23.0 (2024-12-16)
Bug Fixes
- a11y: localisation distance label (#511) (5ac82e7)
- a11y: presentation page (#510) (f530f88)
- add logo database if no source logo (#504) (c65ef8a)
- add logo database if no source logo (#506) (da2c301)
- hub image alternative text (#507) (c1d2f41)
- new logo cnfs (#502) (9445a5e)
- remove hubikoop (#518) (7fd0669)
- update link dora to hinaura in auvergne rhone alpes (#493) (382d21e)
- update url webinaire fiche detail (#508) (5a6d627)
- use self hosted data instead of (#515) (b370251)
- a11y of alt text of hub and label for lieu de médiation numérique (#500) (8bb7ce1)
- ac11y of icon with aria hidden (#485) (980cba7)
- add La structure n'existe plus error (#517) (be94cca)
- add score completion on fiche details (#494) (95592ba)
- aidants connect warning message (#514) (a35f6fc)
- carto default page (#522) (49a562b)
- change responsive of menu cartographie (#497) (825d2b4)
- data inclusion api call (#521) (190d29e)
- display aidants connect warning only when it is the single source (#516) (bd9687e)
- precision metrics par producteur matomo (#505) (dd21a2b)
- responisve button help from cartographie (#498) (381853b)
- score completion presence (#503) (4d2abb3)
- supression of icon from fiche lieu médiation numérique (#501) (7e23ac5)
- update Accessibility Statement (partially compliant) (#512) (5f7c067)
- update data source (#513) (c418e5a)
- update lieux de mediation numerique schema to v2 (#519) (4d87a24)
- visible buttons in parcours orientation (#488) (fbc56d3)
5.22.0 (2024-02-27)
Bug Fixes
- dont show fs update link on fiche detail (#490) (a1fb272)
- lieu details page footer (#495) (5aafbb0)
- move view pin to pin with only one click (#480) (26a1a2f)
- remove duplicated coordinateurs provider from coordinateurs web component (#492) (2d51905)
- update source footer layout (#462) (df22283)
5.21.0 (2024-02-20)
Bug Fixes
- change popups voir le site (#463) (fe9ec1f)
- margin title service from pacours orientation besoins (#479) (3d36665)
- popup bug affiner recherche cartographie (#477) (821a592)
- remove underline link from popup plus d'info (#478) (d4708fe)
- repsonsive button carto (#481) (6ad2d3a)
- responsive marges services (#482) (f44e594)
- wording button cartographie (#483) (97c398f)
5.20.0 (2024-02-13)
Bug Fixes
- a11y: replace offcavas title with aria-label when not displayed (#405) (fa7b0fa)
- a11y: technologies d'assistance (#402) (e424f2b)
- add missing aidants connect logo in lieux mediation numérique list (#414) (480a8c2)
- add missing alternative image for accessibilite (#409) (a962fa1)
- add new sources to presenter (#400) (e1a88af)
- add title to all links for accessibility (#411) (cffbcce)
- adjust circle only if fontsize is greater than initial even resolution (#442) (00d266e)
- apply style for span role img (#420) (74d15a2)
- auto research navigation orientation to cartographie (#448) (eb5fd35)
- boutons and link are explicites (#406) (1118e7f)
- broken lieux url (#451) (59147df)
- change icons (#432) (10e031d)
- change identifier for multi source in id (#466) (dc1cfcc)
- change wording boutons orientation (#408) (563710b)
- disabled afficher lieux (#425) (3da093c)
- disabled auto research from details page (#427) (8058f05)
- footer structure without action of button (#431) (a4b425f)
- icon inversion side of hub page (#426) (ff41a15)
- icon side changed (#436) (014a2e9)
- increase responsive global layout (#430) (e439538)
- keep flex grow even typologie missing (#434) (282ad5e)
- map layout responsive (#438) (f0937de)
- overflow y axe bottom details page (#421) (8308759)
- padding add to title (#437) (c3f9e65)
- padding footer structure (#424) (ebdcabc)
- print blank page (#460) (6b86765)
- reset service checkbox when filterform reset (#468) (085cd49)
- resize canvas of map when map load (#449) (e00222a)
- selected orientation menu without filter (#415) (3503833)
- sémantique du code est respectée (#403) (4c75c85)
- text lisible zoom a 200% widget orientation (#407) (7544bc2)
- update list lieux on dragging map (#392) (447d9e4)
- add a gap between buttons to fiche imprimer (#457) (3853cf0)
- add a gap to header (#453) (b88ad3d)
- add espace sante filtre affiner recherche formulaire (#461) (8599239)
- add for label text of orientation (#433) (8659706)
- add markers clusters (#418) (0a7e21e)
- add source header and scroll to new section source fiche detail (#393) (220f2cf)
- align icons inline (#439) (825fac4)
- alig...
5.18.0 (2023-11-27)
Bug Fixes
- add set title for coordinateur pages (#398) (b1085f4)
- carto zoom after orientation (#387) (f50e795)
- delete logo acces libre on fiche details (#386) (4868267)
- top bar fiche details sticky (#389) (ddb9117)
- update webinare section (#388) (98339cf)
- z-index sidebar (#383) (6081e5a)