This is simple starter Node application that demonstrates user authentication with Predix UAA, and integration with microservices.
Edit the config.json to run the application locally for your UAA client.
Sample :
"clientId": "${clientId}",
"uaaUri" : "${UAA URL}",
"base64ClientCredential": "${base 64 encoding of clientId:secret}",
"appUrl": "http://localhost:3000",
"assetZoneId": "${asset zone id for Asset service instantiated}",
"tagname": "${tag name list to query. Separated by comma}",
"assetURL": "${The asset url to query the tags from. https://<assetURI>/<assetType>}",
"timeseries_zone": "${timeseries zone id for Timeseries service instantiated}",
"timeseriesURL": "${Timeseries to query for data. <TimeseriesURI>/v1/datapoints}",
"uaaURL": "${The UAA URI. <UaaURI>/",
Note: You can encode your clientId:secret combination using or the base64 command on Unix / Mac OSX.
echo -n clientId:clientSecret | base64
npm install
node app.js or npm start
Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.
DEBUG=predix-boot-node-app:* npm start
DEBUG=express:* npm start
A sample unit test is included, which you can run with npm:
npm test
If you are behind a corporate firewall, make sure you have the http_proxy
environment variable set in the same terminal window where you start the server.
Set up the manifest file for Cloud deployment
- Copy manifest.yml.template to my-app-manifest.yml.
- Edit the my-app-manifest.yml
- name: <front end app name>
memory: 128M
buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
#command: DEBUG=express:* node app.js
command: node app.js
- <asset instance service name>
- <timeseries instance service name>
- <uaa instance service name>
node_env: cloud
uaa_service_label : predix-uaa
clientId: <client id with timeseries and asset scope>
base64ClientCredential: <base64 encoding of client id>
# Following properties configured only for Timeseries WindData service Integration
assetMachine: <The asset name pushed to Asset service>
tagname: <The asset tag pushed to Asset service>
cf push <appName> -f my-app-manifest.yml