diff --git a/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/adi_axis_agent.rst b/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/adi_axis_agent.rst
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+.. _adi_axis_agent:
+The ADI AXIS Agent uses the AMD (Xilinx) AXIS VIP at its core with added
+sequencer, monitor and wrapper class. Has a master, slave and passthrough
+variant. Provides functions to start, stop and run the classes within. Its
+purpose is to create and contain everything under a single construct and not
+have the user to create and manage each of these modules separately.
+The ADI AXIS Agent parameters ``must`` be compatible with the VIP used in the
+design. The virtual interface that is defined must be of the same type that
+the VIP is using. The AMD AXIS VIP must also be compatible with the specified
+parameters. The axis_definitions.svh header files has useful macros to create
+and build the required parameter list.
+The core components are available for access depending on the agent type that
+is instantiated.
+adi_axis_master_agent variant
+ * axi4stream_mst_agent agent
+ * m_axis_sequencer sequencer
+ * adi_axis_monitor monitor
+adi_axis_slave_agent variant
+ * axi4stream_slv_agent agent
+ * s_axis_sequencer sequencer
+ * adi_axis_monitor monitor
+adi_axis_passthrough_agent variant
+ * axi4stream_passthrough_agent agent
+ * m_axis_sequencer master_sequencer
+ * s_axis_sequencer slave_sequencer
+ * adi_axis_monitor monitor
+function new(input string name, virtual interface axis_vip_if vip_if, input adi_environment parent);
+Creates the ADI AXIS Agent object. The name string is assigned to the instance
+as an Identifier when logging. The vip_if is a Virtual Interface that is
+instantiated inside the AXIS VIP when created. This is used to connect the VIP
+(in block design) to the simulation. The parent variable is optional, it is
+used to narrow down the origin of this class, used in logging. The parent
+variable can only reference an adi_environment.
+task start();
+Used to start the master or slave agent when not in passthrough mode. In
+passthrough mode it throws a warning, since in the passthrough agent can only
+work in master, slave or passthrough mode at a given time.
+.. important::
+ This warning message can be ommitted, as this causes no harm during
+ simulation. Its main use is to notify the user that the VIP in passthrough
+ mode is only monitoring and it must be changed manually to master or slave
+ mode if needed.
+task run();
+Used to run the sequencer(s) and the monitor.
+task stop();
+Used to stop the agent, the sequencer(s) and the monitor.
+Usage and recommendations
+Basic usage of the ADI AXIS Agent:
+* Declare the ADI AXIS Agent, preferably inside an environment with the correct
+ parameters, give a name and if it's inside an environment, set the parent as
+ well
+* Call the start function before resetting the entire system
+* Configure the sequencer(s)
+* Call the run function
+* Call the start function in the case of master mode
+* Run the test stimulus
+* Call the stop function before the clocks associated to the VIP are stopped
diff --git a/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/adi_axis_monitor.rst b/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/adi_axis_monitor.rst
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+.. _adi_axis_monitor:
+ADI AXIS Monitor (VIP)
+The ADI AXIS Monitor is created to efficiently capture data and broadcast it to
+a set of subscribers that are monitoring the interface.
+The ADI AXIS Monitor parameters are inherited from the ADI AXIS Agent.
+The publisher class is instantiated inside the monitor, which is available for
+external access. This provides a means for other classes to subscribe and
+receive captured data.
+function new(input string name, input axis_monitor monitor, input adi_agent parent);
+Creates the ADI AXIS Monitor object. The name string is assigned to the instance
+as an Identifier when logging. The axis_monitor references the monitor class
+that is in the AMD AXIS VIP agent. The parent variable is optional, it is used
+to narrow down the origin of this class, used in logging. The parent variable
+can only reference an adi_agent.
+task run();
+Used to start up the monitor. If a monitor instance is already running, it will
+throw an error message and continues the simulation.
+.. important::
+ This error message can be ommitted, as this causes no harm during simulation.
+ However, it is highly recommended to review the simulation stimulus and
+ correct this error.
+function stop();
+Used to stop the monitor. If the monitor is not running, it will have no effect.
+task get_transaction();
+An infinite loop called by the run function. It is used to monitor the AXIS
+interface, collect data and broadcast to the modules that subscribed to it.
+Usage and recommendations
+Basic usage of the ADI AXIS Monitor:
+* Use it through the ADI AXIS Agent, declare and instantiate the agent
+* Call the run function through the Agent
+* Subscribe the modules that need to check data on this interface
+* Run the test stimulus
+* Call the stop function through the Agent before the clocks associated to the
+ VIP are stopped
diff --git a/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/amd_axis_aggregation.svg b/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/amd_axis_aggregation.svg
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+xil_voidxil_objectxil_reporterxil_componentxil_agent-emptyxil_analysis_port#+writeinput T+getoutput Txil_driver#-emptyxil_monitor-emptyaxi4stream_vif_proxy#axi4stream_monitor#axi4stream_mst_driver#axi4stream_slv_driver#axi4stream_mst_agent#axi4stream_slv_agent#axi4stream_passthrough_agent#
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/index.rst b/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/index.rst
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--- a/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/index.rst
+++ b/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/index.rst
@@ -1,31 +1,64 @@
.. _xilinx_axis_vip:
-Xilinx AXI Stream Verification IP (VIP)
+Xilinx AXIS Stream Verification IP (VIP)
+.. toctree::
+ :hidden:
+ ADI AXIS Agent
+ ADI AXIS Master Sequencer
+ ADI AXIS Slave Sequencer
+ ADI AXIS Monitor
+The ADI AXIS Agent VIP uses the AMD (Xilinx) AXIS VIP at its core with added
+sequencer, monitor and wrapper class.
`[1] `__
+Inheritance diagram for AMD AXIS VIP
+.. svg:: ./library/vip/amd/axis_vip/amd_axis_inheritance.svg
+ :align: center
+Aggregation diagram for AMD AXIS VIP
+.. svg:: ./library/vip/amd/axis_vip/amd_axis_aggregation.svg
+ :align: center
+Has a master, slave and passthrough variant. Encapsulates the AMD AXIS VIP, ADI
+AXIS Master and/or Slave Sequencers and the ADI AXIS Monitor. Provides functions
+to start, stop and run the classes within.
+The ADI AXIS Master Sequencer provides functions to generate data on an AXI
+Streaming interface.
+The ADI AXIS Slave Sequencer provides functions to create user specified
+backpressure characteristics.
+The ADI AXIS Monitor provides functions to monitor an AXI Stream interface,
+collect data transmitted and broadcast it to other classes using a
+publisher-subscriber pattern.
diff --git a/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/m_axis_sequencer.rst b/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/m_axis_sequencer.rst
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index 00000000..74b076eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/m_axis_sequencer.rst
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+.. _m_axis_sequencer:
+ADI AXIS Master Sequencer (VIP)
+The ADI AXIS Master Sequencer is created to easily generate AXI Stream
+The ADI AXIS Master Sequencer parameters are inherited from the ADI AXIS Agent.
+None are available for direct external access.
+function new(input string name, input axi4stream_mst_driver driver, input adi_agent parent);
+Creates the ADI AXIS Master Sequencer object. The name string is assigned to the
+instance as an Identifier when logging. The write and read drivers reference
+the driver classes that are in the AMD AXIS VIP agent. The parent variable is
+optional, it is used to narrow down the origin of this class, used in logging.
+The parent variable can only reference an adi_agent.
+virtual task set_inactive_drive_output_0();
+Sets the AMD AXIS VIP to drive the outputs of the AXIS interface with 0s when
+virtual function bit check_ready_asserted();
+Provides a way through the sequencer to check if the slave interface asserts
+virtual task wait_clk_count(input int wait_clocks);
+Waits for the specified amount of clock cycles that is associated with the VIP.
+virtual protected task packetize();
+Packetizes the data before sending it to the driver.
+virtual protected task sender();
+When the packetize method finished creating a packet, it notifies the sender.
+The sender gets the data and transfers it to the driver. When finished, it
+notifies the other methods that the transfer is complete and a new packet can
+be created.
+virtual function void add_xfer_descriptor_packet_size(...);
+Used to set the number of samples that each packet is going to have using the
+VIP's parameters.
+virtual task beat_sent();
+Function provided to the sequencer to wait until a data beat is sent. If the
+driver module is already inactive, it means that no transfer is being processed
+and the sequencer can be safely disabled.
+virtual task packet_sent();
+Function provided to the sequencer to wait until a data packet is sent. If the
+driver module is already inactive and the last signal has been sent, it means
+that no transfer is being processed and the last sample in the packet was also
+sent, so the sequencer can be safely disabled.
+function void set_stop_policy(input stop_policy_t stop_policy);
+Sets the stop policy to data beat, packet or queue finished. If the sequencer
+is already enabled, it will throw an error message.
+function void set_data_gen_mode(input data_gen_mode_t data_gen_mode);
+Sets the data generation mode. It can be a ramp, randomly generated data, or
+user specified data. If the sequencer is already enabled, it will throw an
+error message.
+.. caution::
+ If the data is user specified, the user must make sure that the packetizer
+ is fed with enough data to complete a packet, otherwise the packet will not
+ be transfered to the driver.
+function void set_descriptor_gen_mode(input bit descriptor_gen_mode);
+Sets the packet generation mode. If set to 0, it will only create the packets
+that are in the queue. If set to 1, it will repeat all of the packets that are
+in the queue in a round-robin mode. If the sequencer is already enabled, it
+will throw an error message.
+function void set_data_beat_delay(input int data_beat_delay);
+Sets a specified amount of inactive clock cycles between each data beat.
+function void set_descriptor_delay(input int descriptor_delay);
+Sets a specified amount of inactive clock cycles between each packet transfer.
+function void set_keep_all();
+Sets the generated data to be all valid bytes. Automatically adjusts the packet
+length, increasing its size, if the specified number of bytes don't fill all
+samples with data. If the sequencer is already enabled, it will throw an error
+function void set_keep_some();
+Sets the generated data to have not valid bytes. If the sequencer is already
+enabled, it will throw an error message.
+function void add_xfer_descriptor(...);
+Used to set the number of bytes to be sent to the driver.
+protected task descriptor_delay_subroutine();
+Used by the generator function to wait for a specified amount of clock cycles
+before transferring the next packet.
+task wait_empty_descriptor_queue();
+Function provided to the sequencer to wait until the transfer queue is empty.
+If the queue is already empty, it will automatically return.
+task clear_descriptor_queue();
+Clears the transfer queue. Transfers that are already being processed by the
+packetizer will be finished regardless.
+protected task generator();
+The generator checks the status of the sequencer and if it's enabled, it will
+call the packetize task to create a transfer based on the packets description
+in queue. If the queue is empty, it generates an event, notifying that all of
+the data has been processed. When a new packet description is added to the
+queue it resumes its operation.
+function void push_byte_for_stream(xil_axi4stream_data_byte byte_stream);
+Used when the data descriptor mode is set for user generated data. In this mode,
+the user must specify a byte, which is put into a byte stream. The byte stream
+is processed by the packetizer when it is ready to prepare a new transfer.
+protected task data_beat_delay_subroutine();
+Used by the packetize method to set the transfer wait time between data beats.
+task start();
+Enables the sequencer.
+task stop();
+Disables the sequencer.
+task run();
+Starts the generator and the sender functions.
+Usage and recommendations
+Basic usage of the ADI AXIS Master Sequencer:
+* Use it through the ADI AXIS Agent, declare and instantiate the agent
+* Configure the sequencer
+* Call the run function
+* Call the sequencer's start function
+* Generate data packets
+* Call the stop function to stop the sequencer if needed
+* Call the stop function through the Agent before the clocks associated to the
+ VIP are stopped
diff --git a/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/s_axis_sequencer.rst b/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/s_axis_sequencer.rst
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index 00000000..a051a57d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/library/vip/amd/axis_vip/s_axis_sequencer.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+.. _s_axis_sequencer:
+ADI AXIS Slave Sequencer (VIP)
+The ADI AXIS Slave Sequencer is created to configure the AXI Stream
+The ADI AXIS Slave Sequencer parameters are inherited from the ADI AXIS Agent.
+None are available for direct external access.
+function new(input string name, input axi4stream_slv_driver driver, input adi_agent parent);
+Creates the ADI AXIS Master Sequencer object. The name string is assigned to the
+instance as an Identifier when logging. The write and read drivers reference
+the driver classes that are in the AMD AXIS VIP agent. The parent variable is
+optional, it is used to narrow down the origin of this class, used in logging.
+The parent variable can only reference an adi_agent.
+function void set_use_variable_ranges();
+Sets the variable ranges variable value to 1. This will mean that the sequencer
+will generate backpressure based on a range of variables.
+function void clr_use_variable_ranges();
+Sets the variable ranges variable value to 1. This will mean that the sequencer
+will generate a repeating sequence of backpressure.
+function void set_mode(input xil_axi4stream_ready_gen_policy_t mode);
+Sets the ready generation policy to the specified mode. This value is defined
+in the AMD AXIS VIP ready generation policies.
+function xil_axi4stream_ready_gen_policy_t get_mode();
+Get the current ready generation policy. This value is defined in the AMD AXIS
+VIP ready generation policies.
+function void set_high_time(input xil_axi4stream_uint high_time);
+Sets the high signal clock cycles of the ready signal when the sequencer has a
+repeating sequence of backpressure.
+function xil_axi4stream_uint get_high_time();
+Get the high signal clock cycles of the ready signal.
+function void set_high_time_range(...);
+Sets the high signal clock cycles ranges of the ready signal when the sequencer
+has varying backpressure.
+function void set_low_time(input xil_axi4stream_uint low_time);
+Sets the low signal clock cycles of the ready signal when the sequencer has a
+repeating sequence of backpressure.
+function xil_axi4stream_uint get_low_time();
+Get the low signal clock cycles of the ready signal.
+function void set_low_time_range(...);
+Sets the low signal clock cycles ranges of the ready signal when the sequencer
+has varying backpressure.
+task run();
+Calls the user generated tready function.
+virtual task user_gen_tready();
+Creates a ready generation data structure based on the provided configuration
+and then it sends to the driver.
+Usage and recommendations
+Basic usage of the ADI AXIS Master Sequencer:
+* Use it through the ADI AXIS Agent, declare and instantiate the agent
+* Configure the sequencer
+* Call the run function
+* If the sequencer needs to be reconfigured during simulation, then reconfigure
+ the parameters and then call the run function again