This game is made in Unity3D. This Game focus on developing a simple application of where using Arrow keys one can collect Rewards and thus Score will increase. The enemy feature is also in inbuild so that game is over if Ball Collides with The Prefabs of Enemy.
- Made in Unity3D version 2020.3.16f1
- In assets you need to install 3 Main Assets from Unity Assets Store
a. FarlandSkies: For Skybox Materials
b. Particle Ribbon: In the prefabs you can find the animation used for Ball, Enemy & Rewards/Coins. c. PowerUps Vol 1 Free: This free collection of 3D power-ups includes 20 different power-ups. All power-ups are optimized for mobile and browser games. Note: If not available on assets store visit: - Scripts are uploaded; consists of BallController & CameraController.
- Knowledge of C# in Unity Note: Use for references.