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Homebridge Telldus tdtool

A Homebridge plugin for TellStick without Telldus Live, interfaced with the CLI tool tdtool. This will therefore require tdtool to be present, and runnable, on your server running Homebridge.

tdtool can be found as a part of telldus-core, provided by Telldus.

Since it relies on telldus-core, only TellStick Duo and TellStick are supported. TellStick net will support telldus-core, eventually.


Install this plugin globally by typing the following.

npm install -g homebridge-telldus-tdtool

Installing the package globally is not a requirement, but makes it easier if you have also installed Homebridge globally. Otherwise, just install this package in the directory which you have set up Homebridge to watch for plugins in.

You must then include

  "platform" : "Telldus-TD-Tool",
  "name" : "Telldus-TD-Tool"

in your list of platforms, in the configuration file of Homebridge. This by default resides in ~/.homebridge/config.json and should look something like the following when you have added this platform:

  "bridge": {
    "name": "Homebridge",
    "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30",
    "port": 51826,
    "pin": "031-45-154"
  "platforms": [{
    "platform" : "Telldus-TD-Tool",
    "name" : "Telldus-TD-Tool"

Configuring sensors

By default, this plugin will use all sensors available from your Telldus tool, listed by tdtool --list-sensors. However, this will not allow you to either specify the name of the sensor, or filter out sensors that you would not like to be present in HomeKit.

By specifying a list of sensors this overrides the found sensors by tdtool.

  "platform" : "Telldus-TD-Tool",
  "name" : "Telldus-TD-Tool",
  "sensors" : [{
    "id": "123",
    "name": "some-name",
    "model": "sensor-model",
    "maxAge": 12,


Below is the supported attributes for the sensor list.

Attribute Default Description
id Required ID as listed in tdtool --list-sensors
name Sensor ${id} Name to show in HomeKit
model Required See below for supported models
maxAge 3600 Seconds from last update until considered stale

Configuring TDtool

If your tellstick.conf is located anywhere other than /etc/tellstick.conf, the following can be used to specify a custom location:

  "platform" : "Telldus-TD-Tool",
  "name" : "Telldus-TD-Tool",
  "tdtool": {
    "tellstickConfLocation": "/home/pi/tellstick.configuration"

Supported accessories

Model Backed by
selflearning-switch TelldusSwitch
codeswitch TelldusSwitch
selflearning-dimmer TelldusDimmer
humidity TelldusHygrometer
temperature TelldusThermometer
temperaturehumidity TelldusThermometerHygrometer

Building it yourself

This module is written in ES6. To support earlier versions of Node, this is transpiled using Babel to regular ES5. To build it yourself, make sure you have installed all the development dependencies (this is usually done by default with npm install). To make sure, you can run:

npm install --only=dev

after you have issued the regular install command.

To build the dist folder, then run

npm run build

Remote development

Since a lot of people, me included, are running Homebridge on a server remote from where development takes place (such as on a Raspberry PI), there is a small, experimental script included for addressing this.

This can be run by issuing:

npm run rsync -- user@host /path/to/node_modules/homebridge-telldus-tdtool

Default values for these are:

  • user@host - pi
  • path - /opt/nodejs/lib/node_modules/homebridge-telldus-tdtool

To run this, it assumes a couple of things:

  1. It assumes you have fswatch and rsync installed.
  2. You have SSH keys set up for your host.
  3. You are running Homebridge using the systemd method.

Dependencies & Trade-offs

This plugin depends on tellstick.conf-parser. This is because tdtool does not output the model of a connected device, making it not possible to provide a devices characteristics for Homebridge unless we peek in TellSticks configuration file and check the model there.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request!