The easiest way to integrate the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) with React applications. Secure your apps with Azure Active Directory (AAD)
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A library of components to easily integrate the Microsoft Authentication Library with Azure Active Directory in your React app quickly and reliably. The library focuses on flexibility, providing functionality to login, logout, and fetch the user details while maintaining access to the underlying MSAL library for advanced use.
❗ This library is not affiliated with the Identity team at Microsoft. It was developed as a tool for the Open Source community to use and contribute to as they see fit.
- React AAD MSAL
✅ Login/logout with AzureAD
✅ Callback functions for login success, logout success, and user info changed
✅ withAuthentication
higher order component for protecting components, routes, or the whole app
✅ Function as Child Component pattern (FaCC) to pass authentication data and login/logout functions to children components
✅ Redux integration for storing authentication status, user info, tokens, etc
✅ Automatic renewal of IdTokens, and optional function to get a fresh token at any point
✅ Easily fetch a fresh Access Token from cache (or refresh it) before calling API endpoints
- node.js
- Register an app in AzureAD to get a
. You will need to follow additional steps to enable the app for your SPA site.
Via NPM:
npm install react-aad-msal
Before beginning it is required to configure an instance of the MsalAuthProvider
and give it three parameters:
Parameters | Description |
config |
Instance of a Msal.Configuration object to configure the underlying provider. The documentation for all the options can be found in the configuration options doc |
parameters |
Instance of the Msal.AuthenticationParameters configuration to identify how the authentication process should function. This object includes the scopes values. You can see possible values for scopes here |
loginType |
[Optional] A LoginType value which identifies whether the login operation is executed using a Popup or Reidrect. The default value is Popup |
The MsalAuthProvider
is meant to be a singleton. There are known implications when multiple instances of MSAL are running at the same time. THe recommended approach is to instantiate the MsalAuthProvider
in a separate file and import
it when needed.
// authProvider.js
import { MsalAuthProvider, LoginType } from 'react-aad-msal';
const config = {
auth: {
authority: '',
cache: {
cacheLocation: "localStorage",
storeAuthStateInCookie: true
const authenticationParameters = {
scopes: [
'<property (i.e.>',
'https://<your-tenant-name><your-application-name>/<scope (i.e.>'
export const authProvider = new MsalAuthProvider(config, authenticationParameters, LoginType.Popup)
Now you can import
the authProvider
and use it in combination with one of the authentication components.
// index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { AzureAD } from 'react-aad-msal';
import App from './App';
import { authProvider } from './authProvider';
<AzureAD provider={authProvider} forceLogin={true}>
<App />
The options that get passed to the MsalAuthProvider
are defined by the MSAL library, and are described in more detail in the configuration options documentation.
Below is the total set of configurable options that are supported currently in the config
// Configuration Object
export type Configuration = {
auth: AuthOptions,
cache?: CacheOptions,
system?: SystemOptions
// Protocol Support
export type AuthOptions = {
clientId: string;
authority?: string;
validateAuthority?: boolean;
redirectUri?: string | (() => string);
postLogoutRedirectUri?: string | (() => string);
navigateToLoginRequestUrl?: boolean;
// Cache Support
export type CacheOptions = {
cacheLocation?: CacheLocation;
storeAuthStateInCookie?: boolean;
// Library support
export type SystemOptions = {
logger?: Logger;
loadFrameTimeout?: number;
tokenRenewalOffsetSeconds?: number;
navigateFrameWait?: number;
For more information on MSAL config options refer to the MSAL configuration options documentation.
When instantiating an instance of the MsalAuthProvider
the authentication parameters passed will become the default parameters used when authenticating and fetching or refreshing tokens. It is possible to change the default parameters later by executing the setAuthenticationParameters()
method on the MsalAuthProvider
The set of options that are supported for the Msal.AuthenticationParameters
class can be found below as they are defined in the MSAL library.
export type AuthenticationParameters = {
scopes?: Array<string>;
extraScopesToConsent?: Array<string>;
prompt?: string;
extraQueryParameters?: {[key: string]: string};
claimsRequest?: string;
authority?: string;
state?: string;
correlationId?: string;
account?: Account;
sid?: string;
loginHint?: string;
The LoginType
parameter is an enum with two options for Popup
or Redirect
authentication. This parameter is optional and will default to Popup
if not provided. At any time after instantiating the MsalAuthProvider
the login type can be changed using the setLoginType()
The library provides multiple components to integrate Azure AD authentication into your application and each component has various use cases. The are also plans for additional components, documented in the project Roadmap.
The AzureAD
component is the primary method to add authentication to your application. When the component is loaded it internally uses MSAL to check the cache and determine the current authentication state. The users authentication status determines how the component will render the children
- If the
is an element, it will only be rendered when theAzureAD
detects an authenticated user. - If the
is a function, then it will always be executed and a reference to thelogin
, andaccountInfo
will be passed down.
The AzureAD
component will check that the IdToken is not expired before determining that the user is authenticated. If the token has expired, it will attempt to renew it silently. If a valid token is maintained it will be sure there is an active Access Token available, otherwise it will refresh silently. If either of the tokens cannot be refreshed without user interaction, the user will be prompted to signin again.
import { AzureAD, AuthenticationState } from 'react-aad-msal';
// Import the provider created in a different file
import { authProvider } from './authProvider';
// Only authenticated users can see the span, unauthenticated users will see nothing
<AzureAD provider={authProvider}>
<span>Only authenticated users can see me.</span>
// If the user is not authenticated, login will be initiated and they will see the span when done
<AzureAD provider={authProvider} forceLogin={true}>
<span>Only authenticated users can see me.</span>
// Using a function inside the component will give you control of what to show for each state
<AzureAD provider={authProvider} forceLogin={true}>
({login, logout, authenticationState, accountInfo}) => {
if (authenticationState === AuthenticationState.Authenticated) {
return (
<span>Welcome, {}!</span>
<button onClick={logout}>Logout</button>
} else if (authenticationState === AuthenticationState.Unauthenticated) {
return (
<span>Hey stranger, you look new!</span>
<button onClick={login}>Login</button>
The following props are available to the AzureAD
AzureAD Props | Description |
provider |
An MsalAuthProvider instance containing configuration values for your Azure AD instance. See [Creating the Provider](#Creating the Provider) for details. |
authenticatedFunction |
logout function which you can use to trigger a logout. The return value will be rendered by the AzureAD component. If no return value is provided, the children of the AzureAD component will be rendered instead. |
unauthenticatedFunction |
login function which you can then use to trigger a login. The return value will be rendered by the AzureAD component. |
accountInfoCallback |
IAccountInfo . In addition to the tokens, the account info includes the Msal.Account |
reduxStore |
[Optional] You can provide a redux store which the component will dispatch actions to when changes occur. You can find the list of all actions defined in the AuthenticationActions enum. |
forceLogin |
[Optional] A boolean that identifies whether the login process should be invoked immediately if the current user is unauthenticated. Defaults to false . |
Sometimes it's easier to utilize a Higher Order Component (HoC) to lock down an app or page component with authentication. This can be accomplished using the withAuthentication
component which acts as a wrapper for the AzureAD
import { withAuthentication } from 'react-aad-msal';
// The instance of MsalAuthProvider defined in a separate file
import { authProvider } from './authProvider.js';
// The App component wrapped in the withAuthentication() HoC
export default withAuthentication(App, {
provider: authProvider,
reduxStore: store
The first parameter is the component that requires authentication before being mounted. The second parameter is an object containing the props to be passed into the AzureAD
component. With this approach the forceLogin
prop will default to true. This is a good way to protect routes or quickly require authentication for your entire App
in several lines.
The library components will manage authenticating the user without you needing to think about tokens. But there are scenarios where a fresh token will be needed to communicate with a service or to decode the token to examine the claims. The library exposes methods for retrieving active IdTokens and Access Tokens.
For more advanced scenarios where you need specific control over error handling whena token fails to renew you can always access the MSAL API methods and renew a token manually as described in the MSAL token renewal pattern documentation.
To get a fresh and valid Access Token to pass to an API you can call the getAccessToken()
on the MsalAuthProvider
instance. This function will asynchronously attempt to retrieve the token from the cache. If the cached token has expired it will automatically attempt to refresh it. In some scenarios the token refresh will fail and the user will be required to authenticate again before a fresh token is provided. The method will handle these scenarios automatically.
The getAccessToken()
returns an instance of the AccessTokenResponse
class. The following snippet is an example of how you might use the function before calling an API endpoint.
// authProvider.js
import { MsalAuthProvider, LoginType } from 'react-aad-msal';
export const authProvider = new MsalAuthProvider(
/* config */
/* parameters */
// api.js
import { authProvider } from './authProvider';
const request = async url => {
const token = await authProvider.getAccessToken();
return fetch(url, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + token.idToken.rawIdToken,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
To get a fresh and valid IdToken you can call the getIdToken()
on the MsalAuthProvider
instance. This function will asynchronously attempt to retrieve the token from the cache. If the cached token has expired it will automatically attempt to renew it. In some scenarios the token renewal will fail and the user will be required to authenticate again before a new token is provided. The method will handle these scenarios automatically.
The getIdToken()
returns an instance of the IdTokenResponse
class. The following snippet is an example of how you might use the function to retrieve a valid IdToken.
// authProvider.js
import { MsalAuthProvider, LoginType } from 'react-aad-msal';
export const authProvider = new MsalAuthProvider(
/* config */
/* parameters */
// consumer.js
import { authProvider } from './authProvider';
const idToken = await authProvider.getIdToken();
The AzureAD
component optionally accepts a reduxStore
prop. On successful login and after an Access Token has been acquired, an action of type AAD_LOGIN_SUCCESS
will be dispatch to the provided store containing the token and user information returned from Active Directory. It does the same for logout events, but the action will not contain a payload.
Import your store into the file rendering the AzureAD
component and pass it as a prop:
// authProvider.js
import { MsalAuthProvider, LoginType } from 'react-aad-msal';
export const authProvider = new MsalAuthProvider(
/* config */
/* parameters */
// index.js
import { authProvider } from './authProvider';
import { store } from './reduxStore.js';
// ...
<AzureAD provider={authProvider} reduxStore={store}>
<App />
Add a case to handle AAD_LOGIN_SUCCESS
actions in a reducer file:
const initialState = {
aadResponse: null,
const sampleReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return { ...state, aadResponse: action.payload };
return { ...state, aadResponse: null };
return state;
In addition to login and logout actions, the MsalAuthProvider
will dispatch other actions for for various state changes. The full list can be found in the actions.ts file and in the table below. An example of a fully implemented sample reducer can be found in the sample project.
Action Type | Payload | Description |
AAD_INITIALIZING | None | Dispatched when the MsalAuthProvider is instantiated and begins checking the cache to determine if the user is authenticated |
AAD_INITIALIZED | None | Signifies that the MsalAuthProvider has successfully determined the authentication status of the user after being instantiated. It is safest not to use any state until initialization has completed |
Dispatched whenever the user's authentication status changes |
Identifies that the IdToken has been retrieved or renewed successfully |
Dispatched when an error occurred while attempting to retrieve or renew the IdToken |
Identifies that the Access Token has been retrieved or refreshed successfully |
Dispatched when an error occurred while attempting to retrieve or refresh the Access Token |
Dispatched when the user has been authenticated and a valid Access Token has been acquired |
AAD_LOGIN_ERROR | Msal.AuthError |
Identifies that an error occurred while login was in process |
AAD_LOGOUT_SUCCESS | None | Dispatched when the user has successfully logged out on the client side |
While this wrapper attempts to provide a full-featured means of authenticating with AzureAD, for advanced cases you may want to access the underlying MSAL API. The MsalAuthProvider
extends the MSAL UserAgentApplication
class and will give you access to all the functions available, in addition to implementing new methods used by the library components.
const authProvider = new MsalAuthProvider(config, authenticationParameters);
// authProvider provides access to MSAL features
It is not recommended to use this method if it can be avoided, since operations executed via MSAL may not reflect in the wrapper.
If you'd like to see a sample application running please see the sample application built with Create React App.
The project can be built with the following steps:
git clone
cd ./react-aad
- Build the
library:npm install
npm run build
- Run the sample project:
npm start
While the library is ready for use there is still plenty of ongoing work. The following is a list of a few of the improvements under consideration.
◽ Rewrite the sample app to use hooks and simplify the logic.
◽ Add a useAuthentication()
hook to the library.
◽ Replace the AzureAD
render props with event handlers.
◽ Add Context API provider.
◽ Separate MSAL and Redux dependencies as peerDependencies
◽ Migrate to a build system such as Webpack, or Rollup.
◽ Add samples for consuming a Web API.
◽ Improve unit test coverage across the library.
◽ Maintain feature parity between the official MSAL Angular library after it undergoes its planned upgrade.
The following resources may be helpful and provide further insight. If you've written a blog post, tutorial, or article feel free to create an issue so we can include it.
This library is built with ❤️ by members of the open source community. To become a contributer, please see the contribution guidelines.