This project i build a restful API with node.
A simple shop API include users, products and orders routes.
Write commands below into command line in your machine.
first step
git clone
second step
npm install
third step
npm start
- Sing up new user
Send POST request to /users/signup and Write below JSON into body request.
"email": "",
"password": "test1234"
- Login user
Send POST request to /users/login and Write below JSON into body request.
"email": "",
"password": "test1234"
- Delete user acount
Send DELETE request to /users/:userId
NOTE: you can see the userId and token in the response /users/login route.
NOTE: you need also send valid token for Authorization request header. like this:
Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6InRlc3RtYWlsQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsIl9pZCI6IjYyMjA2ODFlNzg5ZGJiYmU3NzVkYjllZSIsImlhdCI6MTY0NjI5MjIwNSwiZXhwIjoxNjQ2Mjk5NDA1fQ.FWUUK0OvXs91Zo_tJy3xfrsaAaML2o64YI52BGcXLo0
- Get all products
Send GET request to /products
- Create a new product
Send POST request to /products and write below JSON into body request.
"name": "iPhone 13 pro max",
"price": 1300
NOTE: you need also send valid token for Authorization request header.
- Get one product by product ID
Send GET request to /products/:productID
- Update items a product by product ID
Send PATCH request to /products/:productID and write below JSON into body request.
"key": "price",
"value": 1280
NOTE: you need also send valid token for Authorization request header.
- Delete product by product ID
Send DELETE request to /products/:productID
NOTE: you need also send valid token for Authorization request header.
- Get all orders
Send GET request to /orders
NOTE: you need also send valid token for Authorization request header.
- Create a new order
Send POST request to /orders and write below JSON into body request.
"productId": "621a0005b7568da942072ee5",
"quantity": 8
NOTE: quantity default = 1
NOTE: you need also send valid token for Authorization request header.
- Get one order by order ID
Send GET request to /orders/:orderID
NOTE: you need also send valid token for Authorization request header.
- Delete one order by order ID
Send DELETE request to /orders/:orderID
NOTE: you need also send valid token for Authorization request header.