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TODO Application


TODO Application is a Django-based project designed to manage tasks efficiently. The application includes features such as task creation, updating, deletion, filtering, searching, and ordering. It also provides a fully documented API using Swagger and ReDoc for seamless integration with other systems.


  • Create, update, delete, and retrieve tasks.
  • Filter tasks by completion status, due date, or creation date.
  • Search tasks by title or description.
  • Order tasks by due date or creation date.
  • API documentation with Swagger and ReDoc.
  • Dockerized for easy deployment.
  • Continuous Integration (CI) setup using GitHub Actions.
  • Code linting with flake8 and formatting with black.


Before running the project, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.12+
  • Docker (optional, for containerized deployment)
  • Git

Local Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd TODO-Application
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
  3. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Apply migrations:

    python migrate
  5. Run the development server:

    python runserver
  6. Access the application at http://localhost:8000.

Using Docker

  1. Build the Docker image:

    docker build -t todo-app .
  2. Run the Docker container:

    docker run -d -p 8000:8000 todo-app
  3. Access the application at http://localhost:8000.

Running Tests

The project includes automated tests to ensure functionality.

  1. Run tests:

    python test
  2. Check test coverage (optional):

    coverage run test
    coverage report

Code Quality

The project enforces code quality standards using the following tools:

  1. flake8: For linting Python code.
  2. black: For consistent code formatting.

To check for linting errors:

flake8 .

To format the code:

black .


The project uses GitHub Actions for Continuous Integration:

  • Automated testing on each commit.
  • Code linting with flake8 and formatting validation with black.

API Documentation

The project includes a fully documented API available at the following endpoints:

  • Swagger UI: http://localhost:8000/swagger/
  • ReDoc: http://localhost:8000/redoc/

Technologies Used

  • Django: Web framework for the backend.
  • Django REST Framework: API development.
  • drf-yasg: API documentation.
  • Docker: Containerization.
  • GitHub Actions: Continuous Integration.
  • flake8: Code linting.
  • black: Code formatting.

Future Improvements

  • Adding user authentication (e.g., JWT-based).
  • Implementing Continuous Deployment (CD).
  • Enhancing API security and rate-limiting.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request for any feature or bug fix.


This project is licensed under the BSD License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


A TODO-App with Django






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