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Development scripts for node/react projects

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Bunch of webpack scripts ready to use for node and browser react projects.


First add @amille/dev-scripts into your development dependencies.

# using npm
npm install --save-dev @amille/dev-scripts

# or using yarn
yarn add -D @amille/dev-scripts

You may now move onto the next section related to your needs.

Setup for browser projects

You project must follow this setup :

| - packages.json
| - /build (output directory)
| - /src (source code)
|   | - index.jsx (bundle entry point)
| - /public (public directory)
|   | - index.html (template file for your bundle html entry)
| - dev-scripts.hooks.js (optional hook file)

You may add the following scripts to your owns

    "start": "am-scripts start-browser",
    "build": "am-scripts build-browser",
    "build:profile": "yarn build --profile"

Setup for node projects

You project must follow this setup :

| - packages.json
| - /build (output directory)
| - /src (source code)
|   | - index.jsx (server entry point)

You may add the following scripts to your owns

    "start": "am-scripts start-node",
    "build": "am-scripts build-node"

This configuration has express as peerDependency.


This project may be customize by specifying environment variables. The scripts will also load environment from env files using dotenv.

name default value description
NODE_ENV targeted environment
PORT 3000 Port on which the dev server will listen
HOST Host on which the dev server will listen
IMAGE_INLINE_SIZE_LIMIT 10000 Image size limit for inlining
HTTPS if set to true, the dev server will run on HTTPS
APP_* Environment variables to inject (cf documentation)
DANGEROUSLY_DISABLE_HOST_CHECK if set to true, the dev server will disable host checks

Global variables

You may define global variables using environment variables. Those will be injected with define or interpolate plugins.

In addition of __DEV__, all variables which their name start with APP_ will be use for globals. The prefix APP_ will be stripped.

You may use them in your html entry file with the following syntax

<p>my global is %NAME%</p>

or in your javascript files

console.log(`my global is ${process.env.NAME}`);

Environment configuration

You may update application settings using environment files.

  • .env: Default.
  • .env.local: Local overrides. This file is loaded for all environments except test.
  • .env.development, .env.production: Environment-specific settings.
  • .env.development.local, .env.production.local: Local overrides of environment-specific settings.

Files on the left have more priority than files on the right:

  • npm run start-*: .env.development.local, .env.development, .env.local, .env
  • npm run build-*: .env.production.local, .env.production, .env.local, .env

These variables will act as the defaults if the machine does not explicitly set them.


This package comes with many available hooks to override configurations at specific key points. To setup hooks you simply need to create a file dev-scripts.hooks.js at your root directory.

const hooks = require('@amille/dev-scripts/helpers/hooks');

/* for all hooks, "any" can be replaced by "node" or "browser" to run on specific build target */

/* overrideOptions, overrideEnv & overridePaths allows you to override settings */

hooks.any.overrideOptions((options, settings) => {
    // options must be returned
    return options;

hooks.any.overrideEnv((env, settings) => {
    // env must be returned
    return env;

hooks.any.overridePaths((paths, settings) => {
    // paths must be returned
    return paths;

/* overrideSettings allows to override the whole settings object */

hooks.any.overrideSettings(settings => {
    // settings must be returned
    return settings;

/* overrideWebpack allows to override the whole webpack config */

hooks.any.overrideWebpack((webpackConfig, settings) => {
    // webpackConfig must be returned
    return webpackConfig;

/* setupProxyOnBefore & setupProxyOnAfter are helpful to setup proxies in react web dev servers lifecycle */

hooks.any.setupProxyOnBefore((app, server, settings) => {
    /* ... */

hooks.any.setupProxyOnAfter((app, server, settings) => {
    /* ... */

React refresh (experimental)

This package provide an experimental HMR based on react-refresh. To enable it you must either override the option withReactRefresh using hooks.

hooks.browser.overrideOptions(options => {
    options.withReactRefresh = true;

    return options;

Hot reload entry point

The hot reload for browser apps is based on react-deep-force-updates. Setup your entry point as the following example.

if you use react-refresh experimental feature, you don't have to do any of this for your HMR

import { createElement } from 'react';
// react-deep-force-update will be nullify by null-loader for production
// so we can safely use it for development
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
import deepForceUpdate from 'react-deep-force-update';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
// import your app component
import App from './App';

// the query selector must match the one from your html entry point
const container = document.querySelector('#root');

let appInstance = null;

// render core method
const renderApp = () => {
    try {
        // we instance our react element
        const appElement = createElement(App, {});
        // render it and get back the instance
        appInstance = render(appElement, container);
    } catch (error) {
        if (__DEV__) {
            // for development we throw the errors back
            throw error;

        // and print errors in console anyway

// first rendering

if ( {
    // hot reload module is here, meaning it is development
    // we listen for all changes in our app'./App', () => {
        if (appInstance && appInstance.updater.isMounted(appInstance)) {
            // Force-update the whole tree, including components that refuse to update
