A basic example of how to leverage BigQuery API Client Libraries to produce content for the application. It runs queries to a public dataset to generate content for an API or application. As an example, a public dataset for worldwide CV19 infections statistics is queried to generate content served upon request.
This example uses a public dataset for worldwide CV19 infections statistics queried using BigQuery public datasets to generate API content.
Example dataset source
- Creates a BigQuery API client from a service account key file Note: required IAM roles for service account: BigQuery User
- Isolates BigQuery connections management
Class use example to manage BigQuery connections for an app
Link GBQManager to app
# App specific
# Link GBQManager to app
bq = GBQManager()
Use GBQManager to run BigQuery query jobs
sql_query = """SELECT DISTINCT country_region
FROM `bigquery-public-data.covid19_jhu_csse_eu.summary`
ORDER BY country_region ASC"""
query_job = bq.client.query(query=sql_query)
App configuration keys used by BigQueryManager class
# Application display name
# Google Cloud Logging service account key json file
# Determines service account and hence BigQuery project permissions
BQ_SA_KEY_JSON_FILE = os.environ.get('LG_SA_KEY_JSON_FILE') or '/etc/secrets/sa_key_bq.json'
- Create a Google Cloud platform account if you do not already have it.
- Create a Google Cloud project or use an existing one.
- Configure application identity
- Create a Service Account(SA) key
- Assign the IAM role BigQuery User to the SA during creation.
To start coding right away, launch Google Cloud Shell.
If you would rather use your own local development machine you will need to Install Google Cloud SDK and Install Python
Install python packages.
sudo apt update sudo apt install python3 python3-dev python3-venv
Install pip
Note: Debian provides a package for pip
sudo apt install python-pip
Alternatively pip can be installed with the following method
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py sudo python3 get-pip.py
Note: Console snippets for Debian/Ubuntu based distributions.
At this point either you are using Cloud Shell or you have a local development environment with python and Cloud SDK.
git clone https://github.com/amesones-dev/gfs-log-manager.git
User your cloned git repository folder for your source code and Python venv virtual environment to isolate python dependencies.
cd gfs-log-manager
python -m venv [venv-name]
source [venv-name]/bin/activate
Usual values for [venv-name] are venv
, dvenv
, venv39
for a python 3.9 version virtual environment, etc.
# From gfs-log-manager/src folder
pip install -r requirements.txt
At this point you are ready to configure and run the application.
- Edit the application configuration Config class to update the key LG_SA_KEY_JSON_FILE with the SA key file path created in Create Google Cloud resources
- Set Flask environment variables
export FLASK_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 128)
export FLASK_APP=app:create_app
- Run with flask
flask run
- Or run with gunicorn
gunicorn start:app