We use Nuxt.js, which is a Vue.js framework with extra awesomeness for static site generation.
- Vue.js Documentation. We use Vue.js to code components and pages.
- Nuxt.js Documentation. We use Nuxt.js as our framework. It connects all the pieces through PostCSS and Webpack.
We use standard CSS. Easy to move to SCSS (Sass CSS).
- Tailwind CSS Documentation. Tailwind is a powerful class generator that helps design in HTML and Vue.js templates without writing CSS. The result is passed through PurgeCSS with the result being only the CSS classes used = tiny CSS file size.
- Tailwind UI copy/paste UI components.
We need server-side endpoints to make use of the internet speed of 1Gbps we got on the server-side, rather than clients 3G connection.
With Netlify Serverless, we don't need to worry about a backend server. They deploy scalable endpoints out of the box!
It uses Node.js functions found in /netlify/functions
git clone git@github.com:amerkawar/tawkeedat.git
# install dependencies
cd tawkeedat && npm install
# make sure netlify-cli is installed globally
npm install netlify-cli -g
# login to netlify
netlify login
# init netlify in this directory
netlify init
# To run netlify in developement mode
netlify dev
# To build & deploy
netlify build && netlify deploy --prod
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
# generate static project
$ npm run generate
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.