A simple JavaScript SAT solver, see (http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~gregory/sat/) for a live demo & more information.
import solveSat from 'boolean-sat';
// Solve a SAT problem with two variables.
// They will be numbered 1 and 2.
let numVars = 2;
// The SAT problem is given in conjuctive normal form.
// That is, an AND of ORs.
// The following input corresponds to the statement:
let clauses = [
[1, 2], // ( 1 OR 2 )
[-1, 2], // AND ( (NOT 1) OR 2 )
[-1, -2] // AND ( (NOT 1) OR (NOT 2) )
let solution = solveSat(numVars, clauses);
// Solution is false if the statement is not satisfiable.
if (solution) {
// Otherwise, it contains (an) assignment of the variables that makes the statement true
console.log(solution[1]); // false
console.log(solution[2]); // true
// Because 1=false, 2=true is the only assignment that satisifes the given statement