Ovo is hosted by Elixir. It is now used as a data scripting language in Alzo.archi and the weird features of the previous toy implementation ( https://github.com/lucassifoni/ovo ) will be deleted. This means proper error handling is also coming.
Ovo in its current state is capable of correctly running small programs :
fibs = \a ->
if a >= 2 then
b = a - 1
c = a - 2
fibs(b) + fibs(c)
Ovo has a distinguishing feature : the ability to be ran as a global stateful system. This will be deprecated very soon.
You can run Ovo programs as shown above, by writing code and calling Ovo.run/2
with your code and some input. But you can also run programs as independent Runners
inside a stateful system, like so :
# Start an Ovo.Registry
# Start some Ovo.Runners
{:ok, ovo_adder} = Ovo.Runner.register("""
add(arg(0), arg(1))
{:ok, ovo_times2} = Ovo.Runner.register("""
multiply(arg(0), 2)
""") # ovo_times2 is 0ceaimhlh, which is this runner's ID and this program's hash
You can then call those runners with input :
Ovo.Runner.run(ovo_adder, [2, 3])
Ovo.Runner.run(ovo_times2, [5])
You can also chain calls to programs, by giving their hashes to the registry, like so :
Ovo.Registry.run_chain([ovo_adder, ovo_times2], [2, 3])
If you know some program's hash (which is deterministic), you can also call it from another program with invoke/2
{:ok, dependent_program} = Ovo.Runner.register("""
invoke(`0ceaimhlh`, [2])
Ovo.Runner.run(dependent_program, []) # %Ovo.Ast{value: 4}