The following format should be provided to create Custom item
id: <id>
meta: <meta> # Not used
namespace: <namespace>
name: <name>
property is used to identify item as integer. This must not duplicate with an existing item.
property is used to seperate item by meta. but not used for now.
property is used to identify item as string. use your own namespace like alvin0319:custom_item
property will be used to display item name.
To set item's max stack size, you have to use max_stack_size
to set item's max stack size
You can set it by adding
max_stack_size: 64
If you want item that player can equip on offhand, you have to enable allow_off_hand
to enable offhand support
You can set it by adding
allow_off_hand: true
When you want to add your custom item to creative inventory, you have to enable add_creative_inventory
You can set it by adding
add_creative_inventory: true
I suggest to use my Offhand to enable Offhand
To make an item usable for breaking blocks even in creative mode, you have to enable can_destroy_in_creative
You can enable it by adding
can_destroy_in_creative: true
To make item like sword, You have to enable hand_equipped
hand_equipped: true
To make durable item, you have to enable durable
to make item as durable.
You can enable it by adding
durable: true
on item properties
If you want to set its durability, you can use max_durability
to set item's durable.
You can set it by adding
max_durability: 64
To make placeable item, you have to enable isBlock
to make item as placeable.
You can enable it by adding
isBlock: true
Also you have to declare block id to make item as placeable. Otherwise, Item will not be placed because PMMP suppose it as air.
You can declare block id by adding
blockId: <blockId>
must be positive integer
To make food item, you have to enable food
to make item as food.
You can enable it by adding
food: true
You can edit food's ability by adding some attributes.
can_always_eat: true
nutrition: 1
saturation: 2
id: 1
meta: 0
will make item as always edible. This means you can eat this item also in creative mode.
will fill food progress
will fill saturation progress
will give item when player eats food like beetroot soup
To make item as tool, You have to enable tool
tool: true
If item is tool, you can set the item's mining speed too.
mining_speed: 2
There are some properties that you have to add
is used to identify tool type, like sword or pickaxe
: None
: Sword
: Shovel
: Pickaxe
: Axe
: Shears
: Hoe
is used to identify tool tier, like wooden or diamond
: Wooden
: Gold
: Stone
: Iron
: Diamond
To make item as armor, you have to enable armor
armor: true
Armor also can have durability, as I mentioned on [Tool](#Tool item) and [Durable](#Durable item)
On armor, you have to define these properties.
armor_slot: chest
armor_class: diamond
Currently, I don't know what armor_class
does. According to document, It says it decides the texture type of armor.
Texture Type to apply for the armor
But I can't see what's difference.
Allowed values for armor_class
- gold
- none
- leather
- chain
- iron
- diamond
- elytra
- turtle
- netherite
The default value is diamond
is the slot of armor, which is applied where armor can be equipped.
Allowed values for armor_slot
- helmet
- chest
- leggings
- boots
You can use this template to make your custom item
Replace <something>
to your own value
id: <id>
meta: <meta>
namespace: <namespace>
name: <name>
durable: true
max_durablity: 32
max_stack_size: 64
id: <id>
meta: <meta>
namespace: <namespace>
name: <name>
food: true
can_always_eat: true
nutrition: 3
saturation: 10
id: 1
meta: 0
id: <id>
meta: <meta>
namespace: <namespace>
name: <name>
isBlock: true
blockId: 1
id: <id>
meta: <meta>
namespace: <namespace>
mining_speed: <speed>
tool_type: 4 # This will make this tool as pickaxe, replace it as you want
tool_tier: 5 # This will make this tool's tier as Diamond, replace it as you want
tool: true
id: <id>
meta: <meta>
namespace: <namespace>
armor: true
armor_slot: chest
defence_points: 5 # Defence points of armor
armor_class: diamond # Default is diamond, feel free to send feedback to me