A simple todo app created with vite, to handle my tasks nistareas.io
create static structure of ui -
use js to manipulate tasks and states - migrate project to typescript
create task -
edit task - complete task
undo complete task - delete task
handle array component state -
write dinamyc css code - implement local storage
- use icons
- login
- create a premium to undelete tasks
- make it google task style
git clone https://github.com/afrancocedeno/todo-vite.git # is git installed?
cd todo-vite # acces the new working directtory
npm install # is npm installed ?
npm run dev # run the project!
fork the project
follow these steps:
# get your forked repo to your machine
git clone https://github.com/<your_github_user>/todo-vite.git
git pull # make sure you get the latest version of the remote repo
git checkout -b <feature/your_branch_feature> # set the new branch
git add . # append your changes
git commit -m "file create | <your feature description>" # describe your changes
git push -u origin <feature/your_branch_feature>
- Finally open a new github.com Pull Request (PR) here
- Alejandro Franco Cedeño: afrancocedeno@gmail.com | Github | Twitter | Linkedin
© Alejandro Franco Cedeño, SWE.