This module defines two classes, Zi and Qi, the Gaussian integers and Gaussian rational numbers, respectively.
Mathematically, the integers are denoted by
The Gaussian integers are denoted by
and the Gaussian rationals are denoted by
- Python uses
$j$ instead of$i$ to represent complex numbers - Although, both Zi and Qi are subclasses of numbers.Complex, and
$\mathbb{Z}[i] \subset \mathbb{Q}[i] \subset \mathbb{C}$ , the class Zi is not a subclass of the class Qi.
For more information, see the two Jupyter notebooks in the notebooks directory.
For a quick look, see the examples following the plot of Gaussian primes, below.
>>> from gaussians import Zi, Qi
# >>> from fractions import Fraction
>>> from math import floor, ceil
- In general, the constructor is,
Zi(a, b)
, wherea
are integers or floats; floats are rounded Zi() = Zi(0) = Zi(0, 0) = 0
- If
is an integer or float, thenZi(a) = Zi(round(a), 0)
- If
is complex, thenZi(a) = Zi(a, _) = Zi(round(a.real), round(a.imag))
; a second argument is ignored eye
, andunits
are static methods that produce, respectively,i = Zi(0, 1)
,Zi(1, 1)
, and the set{1, -1, i, -i}
>>> z = Zi(2, -3)
>>> print(f"{z = }")
>>> print(f"z = {z}") # printed/string representations are same as usual Python complex numbers
z = Zi(2, -3)
z = (2-3j)
>>> zero = Zi() ; print(f"{ zero = } = {zero}")
>>> one = Zi(1) ; print(f"{ one = } = {one}")
>>> two = Zi.two() ; print(f"{ two = } = {two}") # norm = 2
>>> i = Zi.eye() ; print(f"{ i = } = {i}")
>>> units = Zi.units(); print(f"{units = }")
zero = Zi(0) = 0
one = Zi(1) = 1
two = Zi(1, 1) = (1+1j)
i = Zi(0, 1) = 1j
units = [Zi(1), Zi(-1), Zi(0, 1), Zi(0, -1)]
>>> a = Zi(2-3j); print(f"{a = } = {a}") # Zi created from a single complex argument
>>> b = Zi(-2.8, 5.2); print(f"{b = } = {b}") # floats are rounded
a = Zi(2, -3) = (2-3j)
b = Zi(-3, 5) = (-3+5j)
The usual properties of complex numbers are also supported for Gaussian integers:
- real part
- imaginary part
- conjugate
- norm
>>> print(f"{z = }")
>>> print(f"{z.real = }")
>>> print(f"{z.imag = }")
>>> print(f"{z.conjugate = }")
>>> print(f"{z.norm = }")
>>> print(f"{z.is_unit = }")
z = Zi(2, -3)
z.real = 2
z.imag = -3
z.conjugate = Zi(2, 3)
z.norm = 13
z.is_unit = False
The following operations can be performed on a Gaussian integer:
- compute absolute value
- convert to string
- convert to standard Python complex number
- negate
>>> print(f"{abs(z) = }")
>>> print(f"{str(z) = }")
>>> print(f"{complex(z) = }")
>>> print(f"{-z = }")
abs(z) = 3.605551275463989
str(z) = '(2-3j)'
complex(z) = (2-3j)
-z = Zi(-2, 3)
Most of the usual arithmetic operations that can be performed on complex number are supported, such as infix operators and in-place assignment operators.
Additionally, arithmetic can mix standard Python integers with Gaussian integers.
The following infix operators are supported: +
, -
, *
, **
, /
, //
, %
>>> a = Zi(4, 10)
>>> b = Zi(1, -2)
>>> c = a * b
>>> print(f"{a + b = }")
>>> print(f"{a - b = }")
>>> print(f"{a * b = }")
>>> print(f"{a / b = }") # In general, truediv will return a Gaussian rational,
>>> print(f"{c / b = }") # unless b | c, in which case, a Zi is returned.
>>> print(f"{a // b = }") # floordiv uses round instead of floor.
>>> print(f"{c % b = }")
>>> print(f"{a**2 = }")
>>> print(f"{a**0 = }")
>>> print(f"{a**-1 = }") # This will yield a Gaussian rational, except for units
>>> print(f"{i**-1 = }") # 1/i = -i
a + b = Zi(5, 8)
a - b = Zi(3, 12)
a * b = Zi(24, 2)
a / b = Qi('-16/5', '18/5')
c / b = Zi(4, 10)
a // b = Zi(-3, 4)
c % b = Zi(0)
a**2 = Zi(-84, 80)
a**0 = Zi(1)
a**-1 = Qi('1/29', '-5/58')
i**-1 = Zi(0, -1)
Mixed integer and Gaussian integer arithmetic is supported.
>>> print(f"{a + 2 = }")
>>> print(f"{a - 2 = }")
>>> print(f"{a * 2 = }")
>>> print(f"{a / 2 = }\n")
>>> print(f"{2 + a = }")
>>> print(f"{2 - a = }")
>>> print(f"{2 * a = }")
>>> print(f"{2 / a = }")
a + 2 = Zi(6, 10)
a - 2 = Zi(2, 10)
a * 2 = Zi(8, 20)
a / 2 = Zi(2, 5)
2 + a = Zi(6, 10)
2 - a = Zi(-2, -10)
2 * a = Zi(8, 20)
2 / a = Qi('2/29', '-5/29')
In-place assignment operators, +=
, -=
, and *=
are also supported.
Here's an example that uses +=
>>> zi_sum = Zi()
>>> int_sum = 0 # Also works for floats or complex (e.g., 0.0 or (0j))
>>> for k in range(5):
>>> int_sum += k
>>> zi_sum += Zi(k, k)
>>> print(int_sum, zi_sum)
10 (10+10j)
Many of the examples below are from "The Gaussian Integers" by Keith Conrad
>>> help(Zi.modified_divmod)
Help on function modified_divmod in module gaussians:
modified_divmod(a, b)
The divmod algorithm, modified for Gaussian integers.
Returns q & r, such that a = b * q + r, where
r.norm < b.norm / 2. This is the Modified Division
Theorem described in 'The Gaussian Integers' by Keith Conrad
>>> alpha = Zi(27, -23)
>>> beta = Zi(8, 1)
>>> gamma, rho = Zi.modified_divmod(alpha, beta)
>>> print(f"{beta * gamma + rho} = {beta} * {gamma} + {rho}")
>>> print(f"\nN({rho}) = {rho.norm} and (1/2)*N({beta}) = {(1/2) * beta.norm}")
(27-23j) = (8+1j) * (3-3j) + -2j
N(-2j) = 4 and (1/2)*N((8+1j)) = 32.5
The Euclidean Algorithm
>>> help(Zi.gcd)
Help on function gcd in module gaussians:
gcd(a, b, verbose=False)
A gcd algorithm for Gaussian integers.
Returns the greatest common divisor of a & b.
This function implements the Euclidean algorithm for Gaussian integers.
>>> alpha = Zi(11, 3)
>>> beta = Zi(1, 8)
>>> gcd = Zi.gcd(alpha, beta, verbose=True) # Prints intermediate results
>>> print(f"\ngcd({alpha}, {beta}) -> {gcd}")
(11+3j) = (1+8j) * (1-1j) + (2-4j)
(1+8j) = (2-4j) * (-2+1j) + (1-2j)
(2-4j) = (1-2j) * 2 + 0
gcd((11+3j), (1+8j)) -> (1-2j)
Bezout's Theorem
>>> help(Zi.xgcd)
Help on function xgcd in module gaussians:
xgcd(alpha, beta)
The Extended Euclidean Algorithm for Gaussian Integers.
Three values are returned: gcd, x, & y, such that
the Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) of alpha & beta can be
written as gcd = alpha * x + beta * y. x & y are called
Bézout's coefficients.
>>> delta, x, y = Zi.xgcd(alpha, beta) # Use alpha & beta from above
>>> print(f"alpha = {alpha} and beta = {beta}")
>>> print(f"delta = {delta}, x = {x}, and y = {y}\n")
>>> print(f"==> {alpha * x + beta * y} = {alpha} * {x} + {beta} * {y}")
>>> print(f"\n Note: gcd({alpha},{beta}) = {Zi.gcd(alpha, beta)}")
alpha = (11+3j) and beta = (1+8j)
delta = (1-2j), x = (2-1j), and y = 3j
==> (1-2j) = (11+3j) * (2-1j) + (1+8j) * 3j
Note: gcd((11+3j),(1+8j)) = (1-2j)
>>> alpha = Zi(4, 5)
>>> beta = Zi(1, -2)
>>> alpha / beta
Qi('-6/5', '13/5')
>>> print(f"{alpha} / {beta} -> {alpha / beta}")
(4+5j) / (1-2j) -> (-6/5+13/5j)
>>> help(Zi.congruent_modulo)
Help on function congruent_modulo in module gaussians:
congruent_modulo(a, b, c)
This method returns two values: The first value is True or False,
depending on whether x is congruent to y modulo z;
the second value is result of computing (a - b) / c.
>>> alpha = Zi(1, 12)
>>> beta = Zi(2, -1)
>>> gamma = Zi(3, 1)
>>> print(f"Test Value: ({alpha} - {beta} / {gamma} -> {(alpha - beta) / gamma}\n")
>>> cong, test = Zi.congruent_modulo(alpha, beta, gamma)
>>> print(f"cong = {cong}")
>>> print(f"test = {test}")
Test Value: ((1+12j) - (2-1j) / (3+1j) -> (1+4j)
cong = True
test = (1+4j)
An example of non-congruence:
>>> delta = Zi(3, 2)
>>> cong, test = Zi.congruent_modulo(alpha, beta, delta)
>>> print(f"cong = {cong}")
>>> print(f"test = {test} is not a Zi")
cong = False
test = (23/13+41/13j) is not a Zi
>>> help(Zi.is_relatively_prime)
Help on function is_relatively_prime in module gaussians:
is_relatively_prime(a, b) -> bool
Returns True if a and b are relatively prime, otherwise it returns false.
>>> alpha = Zi(4, 5)
>>> alpha_conj = alpha.conjugate
>>> Zi.is_relatively_prime(alpha, alpha_conj)
>>> alpha = Zi(11, 3)
>>> beta = Zi(1, 8)
>>> Zi.is_relatively_prime(alpha, beta)
See this link for a definition of a Gaussian prime, and see this link for the algorithm used here to determine whether a Gaussian integer is prime or not.
>>> help(Zi.is_gaussian_prime)
Help on function is_gaussian_prime in module gaussians:
is_gaussian_prime(x) -> bool
Return True if x is a Gaussian prime. Otherwise, return False.
x can be an integer or a Gaussian integer.
>>> gints = [alpha, beta, gamma, Zi(2, 0), Zi(3, 0), Zi(5, 0), Zi(7, 0), Zi(0, 2), Zi(0, 3)]
>>> for gi in gints:
>>> print(f"Is {gi} a Gaussian prime? {Zi.is_gaussian_prime(gi)}")
Is (11+3j) a Gaussian prime? False
Is (1+8j) a Gaussian prime? False
Is (3+1j) a Gaussian prime? False
Is 2 a Gaussian prime? False
Is 3 a Gaussian prime? True
Is 5 a Gaussian prime? False
Is 7 a Gaussian prime? True
Is 2j a Gaussian prime? False
Is 3j a Gaussian prime? True
In addition, the following methods are supported. See the respective doc strings for more information.
- random -- Returns a random Gaussian integer
- associates -- Returns the three associates of a given Gaussian integer
- is_associate -- Returns True if two Gaussian integers are associates
- to_gaussian_rational -- Converts a Gaussian integer to an equivalent Gaussian rational
- norms_divide -- Returns True if one of two Gaussian integers evenly divides the other
- from_array -- Returns a Gaussian integer constructed from a two-element array
The implementation of the class of Gaussian rationals, Qi
, has constructors, accessors, and arithmetic that is similar to those of the class of Gaussian integers, Zi
So, only the additions and differences are documented below.
The class Qi
is implemented as a pair of fractions.Fraction.
>>> r = Qi(2, 3.4)
>>> s = Qi("4/6", "-1/7")
>>> print(f"{r = }")
>>> print(f"{s = }")
r = Qi('2', '17/5')
s = Qi('2/3', '-1/7')
>>> r_inv = r.inverse
>>> print(f"{r_inv = }")
r_inv = Qi('50/389', '-85/389')
>>> print(f"{r * r_inv = } = {r * r_inv}")
r * r_inv = Zi(1) = 1
>>> print(f"{s = }")
>>> print(f"{floor(s) = }")
>>> print(f"{ceil(s) = }")
s = Qi('2/3', '-1/7')
floor(s) = Zi(0, -1)
ceil(s) = Zi(1)
The statis method Qi.string_to_rational
parses a valid Gaussian rational string and returns the cooresponding Qi
>>> str(Qi('1/2', '-3/5'))
>>> Qi.string_to_rational('(1/2-3/5j)')
Qi('1/2', '-3/5')