Project Title: Organ Donations Network Management System
Description: Organ transplantation is a medical procedure in which an organ is removed from one body and placed in the body of a recipient, to replace a damaged or missing organ. Certain front-line organizations are responsible for the procurement of organs needed for organ transplantation. The work of such organizations is to maintain a detailed record of available organ donors, identify the best candidates for the organs and to coordinate with the medical institutions to decide on each organ recipient.
The Organ Donations Network Management System is a system that constructs, maintains and manipulates various kinds of data about a person’s donation or procurement of a particular organ from a person. It maintains a comprehensive medical history and other critical information like blood group, age, etc of every person in the database.
Our aim is to create a system that effectively deals with the problems of finding donors and also providing statistical data about them. This data helps in estimating the number of organs available at a particular point of time. It is essential for planning, evaluating and coordinating organ donation and procurement.
Overall implementation plan: • Every user has an account which can only be registered by a certified hospital, which will keep all the information about him/her. • Only Hospitals are eligible to request for a donation or procurement transaction. • Competent organizations will keep a watch on the pairing of donors and patients and can approve a transplantation operation if all the rules are satisfied. • Statistical Data will be collected through the history of Transplantation Transaction.