!! This module is still in beta and not fit for production use !!
Please view to Proof of Authority module spec for more details on the commands defined in the How to
See the diff on this PR and emulate the changes in your application
(OPTIONAL) Set up local network to test changes, can be copy/paste'd from this PR
- Create a CreateValidatorPOA transaction and submit it
appcli tx poa create-validator val1 `hex-encoded-public-key-of-the-validator` --trust-node --from validator --chain-id cash
- Verfiy that the CreateValidatorPOA tranaction was correctly processed
appcli query poa validator-poa val1 --trust-node --chain-id cash
- Vote for a validator to join the validator set
appcli tx poa vote-validator val1 --trust-node --from validator --chain-id cash
- Query for the vote to see if the transaction was successful
appcli query poa vote-poa val1 `validator address` --trust-node --chain-id cash
- Query all votes
appcli query poa votes
- Query all validators
appcli query poa validators