Multi Protocol RPC Gateway for node.js
- Establish bidirectional connections between clients through firewalls using low-level protocols TCP, WS, UTP
- Provide or call write and read actions (streams, promises, async functions).
- Central authentication and assignment of rights with groups
- Address book with all connected connections and Actions so the alligator client can provide load balancing.
- Forwards invocation of Streams Promises and Async functions to the Alligator with the connection to the desired client.
- Command line interface
npm install -g alligator
alligator start --logLevel 6 --listen "shs+tcp://[::]:81" --listen "shs+ws://[::]:80"
alligator friends.put server2Id
npm install -g alligator
alligator start --logLevel 6 --listen "shs+tcp://[::]:81" --listen "shs+ws://[::]:80" --bootstrap "shs+ws://Server1PublicKey@IPServer1:80"
// Test command
alligator lb.addrs lb.protoNames
npm install -g alligator
node bin run --bootstrap "shs+ws://Server1PublicKey@IPServer1:80"
The admin interface is located at