I have updated the Jfeatherstone Animation Manager to SFML 3.0 with some tweaks to the code.
Check out my project version on GitHub.
- Slime Pixel Set by Tienlev
- Slime by TFWAGames
- Cave Tileset by Evert
- Edited Slime Animation Top-Down Pixel Art
I created all sound effects using an 8-bit sound creator called jsfxr.
- Cave Music by Vlad Bakutov from Pixabay
- Outdoors Music by Vlad Bakutov from Pixabay
- Dungeon Music by LIECIO from Pixabay
A big thank you to:
- Tienlev for the Slime Pixel Set
- TFWAGames for the Slime's Weapon assets
- The Pixel Nook for the Cave Tileset
- TaniCorn for their top-down art of a slime
- Jfeatherstone for the animation manager