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[doc] relocate config.mdm9206.sim7000c to doc/
* IoT SDK v2.0.2 在simcom7000C平台使用如下命令序列压力测试: mqtt a {ProductKey} {DeviceName} {DeviceSecret} mqtt c 60000 0 2000 mqtt s data mqtt t 172800 3000 data hello > code case 't': { int loop = 0; int rc=0; iotx_mqtt_topic_info_t topic_msg; char topic_data[100]={0}; if (NULL == pclient) { QCLI_Printf(qcli_iotkit_handle, "need constructed first\n"); break; } if (Parameter_Count != 5) return QCLI_STATUS_USAGE_E; QCLI_Printf(qcli_iotkit_handle, "####IOT_MQTT_Yield times:%d,timeout:%d,topicName:%s,payload:%s\n", Parameter_List[1].Integer_Value, Parameter_List[2].Integer_Value, Parameter_List[3].String_Value, Parameter_List[4].String_Value); memset(&topic_msg, 0x0, sizeof(iotx_mqtt_topic_info_t)); topic_msg.qos = IOTX_MQTT_QOS1; topic_msg.retain = 0; topic_msg.dup = 0; topic_msg.payload = (void *)Parameter_List[4].String_Value; topic_msg.payload_len = strlen(topic_msg.payload); sprintf(topic_data, "/%s/%s/%s", product_key, device_name, Parameter_List[3].String_Value); for (loop = 0; loop < Parameter_List[1].Integer_Value; ++loop) { rc = IOT_MQTT_Publish(pclient, topic_data, &topic_msg); QCLI_Printf(qcli_iotkit_handle, "IOT_MQTT_Publish rc:%d\n",rc); rc = IOT_MQTT_Yield(pclient,Parameter_List[2].Integer_Value); QCLI_Printf(qcli_iotkit_handle, "IOT_MQTT_Yield rc:%d\n",rc); } } break; 运行约9小时卡死,期间有34次掉线尝试重连,其中12次重连成功 * 初步分析: - 进行高频压测IOT_MQTT_Yield,发现程序阻塞在HAL_SSL_Write - socket丢失链路,HAL_SSL_Write无法及时发现链路断开 * 结论: V2.02版本, 暂不发布SIM7000C版本, 移入doc/目录仅作参考 Signed-off-by: Yang, Xiao <>
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