Program: Restaurant Rating Web-App
Languages and Frameworks: Angular and TypeScript (Front-end), Java Spring (Back-end)
Date Started: March 23rd, 2018
Date Completed: April 9th, 2018
Running the program: NPM (Front-end), Intelij(Back-end), PostgreSQL (DBMS)
Reading the code: Open using any IDE, or text editor
Description: A web application that allows users to add, delete, rate, and filter restaurants and menu items. To rate restaurants and specific food, users can create accounts. SQL is used to create tables, formulate queries, and insert data to PostgreSQL. The Java Spring framework is used to create a RESTful API that delivers SQL data via HTTP requests. Angular is used to develop services to populate the HTML templates, implement routing, and building a dynamic web page.
Background: Group project for Database I, a second year Computer Science course at the University of Ottawa.
- Saeed Osman (Back-end)
- Ali Bhangoo (Front-end & SQL)
- Alan Tran (Front-end & SQL)
Files included:
- - Instructions
- Restaurant-Rater Source code