- Classify Argentinian Sign Language Video Gestures.
- 46 Gestures: 50 videos per category.
- 75% Train (40), 25% Test(10)
Extract the frames from video sequences.
- Set max number of frames to 200: Repeat the last frame if required.
- Remove Background: In videos the people were wearing colored gloves.
- OpenCV
Learning the spatial feature.
Used Inception Model (Transfer Learning)
Retrain Inception V3 by popping out the final layer placing our own.
Label for each frame of the video is the label of the video itself.
The idea was that the model inception will be able to learn spatial features corresponding to a gesture.
Method 1
- Each video -> sequence of frames -> sequence of predictions (43 dimensional) (by inception).
- Each video 200 x 46 dimensional vector.
Method 2
- Each video -> sequence of frames -> sequence of pool layer outputs (2048 dimensional)
- Each video 200 x 2048 dimensional vector.
Learning the temporal features
- Simple LSTM Based Model
- Used dropout.
- Input Layer | LSTM 256 as hidden dimension | Softmax Layer | Regression
- Cateogrical cross entropy loss.
- adam optimizer.
- Method 1: 80.87%
- Method 2: 95.21%
- Classify American Sign Language Characters images
- 36 Characters (26 + 10): 70 images per category
- 55 images per category for training, 15 images per category for testing
Non Neural
- Image Segmentation. Extract skin color.
- converted to YIQ and YUV color space and retain pixels that cross a certain threshold.
- Feature Extraction.
- Use SIFT (128 dimensional feature vectors) per image
- K mean clustering of features of all images
- Image -> 128 dimensional feature -> 128 dimensional (cluster number for each feature)
- Histogram of each image.
- Data = Histogram, label
- Optimum c and gamma using cross validation
- Image Segmentation. Extract skin color.
- Image augmentation
- Shearm zoom, shifts
- Zero mean and unit variance.
- VGG 16 CNN
- Pop out final layer
- replace it with softmax layer with 36 channels
- Image augmentation
- Non Neural: 44.259%
- Neural: 95.50%
QA system that can answer Science MCQ Questions.
~7700 Questions
- Easy: Easily answerable using either an retrieval-based system or pmi based (co occurrence)
- Difficult: Rest
Corpus: 14 Million science related sentences.
Best recent:
- Non Neural:
- Reading Strategies (42%)
- Two Networks: Back and Forth Reading.
- Highlights: special noun and adjective embeddings.
- Fine Tuned Google Transformer Network + strategies.
- Attention is all you need.
- ET-RR -> Microsoft
- BiLSTM Max-out -> 33.87 . Neat
Reference DGEM (27.11 / 26.41)
- Elastic Search
- Index Corpus
- Get support sentences for each Qi and Ai pair
- Ask DGEM (Decompositional Graph Embedding Model)
- support(premise) entails hypothesis?
- Correct answer is option with highest entailment score.
- Elastic Search
Tried Other Corpus
- Downloaded the NCERT / WebCHild
- No improvement
Manual Analysis of Corpus
- Data is present
- May require multihop inference
Problems with DGEM Pipeline
- Poor support sentences
- Corpus is not organized
Try developing first a non neural approach (mentor's opinion)
- Stanford openIE to create Graph
- Naively match the corpus graph and the hypothesis graph.
- Fraction of number of nodes.
- Use Jaccard Distance, Euclidean Distance
- 28.380 %
Currently working on
- Analysis of the graphs created.
- Improving the graph and the inference algorithm.
- Collapse Jaccard similar nodes.
Localization of wireless devices
- Based on Probe Requests received at AP
Probe: A wifi enabled device continuously searches for access points
- Mac ID, signal strength, timestamp
In collaboration with I2e1
- Historical data of devices on site
- Validation data
- Field visit. Paths with multiple checkpoints
- Measure Exact Location
distance = 10 ^ (P0 - P / 10*epsilon)
Metric: RMSE
Heuristics (Shapely for geometrical calculations)
- Centroid of intersection of 3 circles.
- Weighted centroids of intersection of 2 circles. Weight = 1/(r1*r2)
- Weighted centroid of centers of circles.
Using Downhill Simplex Algorithm
- Minimize Sum over all four AP's
P0 - RSSIi - 10 epsilon log ( sqrt((x-xi)^2 + (y-yi)^2) )
- Minimize Sum over all four AP's
- Closest point (euclidean distance) from existing points.
- Better Results.
- offline, not felxible, update is not easy
HMM Model
- Location at time t dependent on Location at time t-1
- Location is observed variable and and is noisy
- Gaussian Emissions, Gaussian Transitions, Descritized state space.
Kalman Filters
- Continuous state variables
- Gaussian transition probabilities and Gaussian Emission Probabilities
Ghostwriting Rap Lyrics:
- Write lyrics for an artist similar in style to artist but different than the existing lyrics.
- Fabolous artist
- Only 191 songs
Baseline Model
- V X 150 Embedding Layer
- LSTM 2 Layer's hidden dimension: 100
- Decode Layer: 100 x V
- Softmax output
Use character Embeddings
- 100 Characters.
- 128 dimensional.
- LSTM with hidden dimension: 128
- Decode Layer: 128 x 100
Use Pretraining:
- Pretrain on Kaggle Dataset
- Rhyme density: Number of rhymed syllables / total number of syllables
- Low similarity: TF-IDF + Cosine Similarity
- Generate lyrics with same rhyme density but low similarity.
- Neural Networks
- Linear Regression
- Navie Bayes
- Decison Trees
- K-means
Sentiment Categorization
Non Neural
- Three levels of sentiments
- Convert reviews to: tfidf vectors
- Use SVM over them.
- CNN Architectures
- Used 300 Dimensional Embeddings
- embedding | dropout | conv1d + relu + maxpool + dropout | x 3 | out
- cross entropy loss
- sklearn crfsuite
- NER system
- EM in C++
- Given a Bayesian Netwrok in .bif format
- Learn Probability values using data. Some Data values are also missing.
- Implement a DHT to store keypairs.
- Two phase commit protocol to do Txn.
- Sender broadcasts committed Txns
- Receiver verifies the signatures
Virtual Synchrony, double spend
Datagram RPC Protocol
- Using asyncio.DatagramProtocol
- override connection_made
- override datagram_received
- Do as requested
- Using asyncio.DatagramProtocol
Routing Table
- Buckets: Ordered dicts
Number of bits in hash
which bucket? decided by highest bit set in the distance
distance: xor
- Why XOR?
- Symmetric
- Traingle Inequality
- Why XOR?
update peer
- If new peer added, add into replacement caches
Forget peer
- Remove from bucket, add from replacement caches
Find closest peers
- Same thing works for both the node and values
- Buckets: Ordered dicts
- To store data
- Spark
- To perform analysis
- Jupyter Notebooks
- As the means of running queries
- Plotting
- d3.js
- bokeh
- matplotlib
- Various issues on the cluster
- First we were trying out MapReduce / YARN but we couldn't set it up
- Setup standalone Spark on laptop
- Once that worked, we did it on Baadal as well
- YARN wasn't required - Spark handled it all
- 60 GB compressed - 225 GB uncompressed
- 20 CSV files
- We did analysis on 9 files
- 94 GB
- xsv tool to remove columns we weren't interested in
- We did this locally
- Only because we didn't have permanent access to Baadal
- So we shortened it first and then uploaded (via LAN etc.)
- After preprocessing: 55 GB
- Users: 20 million
- Exponential growth
- from 2008 to 2017
- New users per year-month
GROUP BY YEAR('created_at'), MONTH('created_at')
- User distribution
- Global, India
- GROUP BY 'country_code'
- Organizations
- Global, Indian
- Parameters
- Number of employees
- Followers per employee
- Stars per employee
- Users at IITs
company.name.startswith("IIT | INDIAN").groupBy('company').count()
- Activities
- Commit patterns of users
- Number of comits - Time of day vs Day of Week
- People had varying punchcards - some work in day / night etc.
- Community participation
- No. of projects vs % Community participation
- Normal curve
SELECT ceiling(100 * commits_by_others / total_commits) as community_part, COUNT(*) as num_repos GROUP BY project_id
- No. of projects vs % Community participation
- Most had 0%
- Showed bus factor - 1
- Programming language popularity by Code size!
- Lame metric
- We were trying to see if Java will come on top Because it is verbose
- But, C came on top, followed by JS, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby project_languages table
- Commit patterns of users
Schema of the tables - Users, Followers, Projects, Stars, - Project Language, Project Members, - Commits, Issues, Pull Requests
- Relative and absolute positions
- Some work best on relative and some on best.
- Algorithm: Priority based
- coins to finish
- open
- can kill
- save yourself
- Move fartheset or second farthest
- Choose whichever on mving reduces threat.
- Threat: Number of coins that can be killed by any opponent in one die roll.