You might also want to have a look at a similar repo by @dufferzafar
- Rubrik: Rejected.
✔️ Shortlisted
❌ Not Shortlisted
❔ Don't Know. Was selected before they announced their shortlist.
👀 Took Test but didn't come for interviews. Hence no shortlists.
Companies | Shortlisted for Interviews |
Adobe | ❌ |
Alphonso | ❌ |
Amazon SDE | ✔️ |
AppDynamics | ✔️ |
APT Portfolio Private Limited | ✔️ |
Cohesity | ❌ |
Dell EMC | ✔️ |
Flipkart (Data Scientist) | ✔️ |
Flipkart (SDE1) | ✔️ |
Goldman Sachs | ❌ |
❌ | |
Harness | ✔️ |
IBM Research Labs | ❌ |
Indeed | 👀 |
JP Morgan | ❌ |
Microsoft | ❌ |
Nutanix | ❔ |
Oracle | ✔️ |
Rubrik | ✔️ |
Salesforce | ❔ |
Samsung R&D Bangalore Data Scientist | ❌ |
Samsung R&D Bangalore SE | ✔️ |
Samsung Semiconductor | ✔️ |
Sapient Data Scientist | ❔ |
Sprinkler | ❌ |
Uber | ❌ |