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FXtend - Extending JavaFX Controls

Maven Central Java Version JavaFX Version License

FXtend is an open-source JavaFX library that aims to provide additional, new, or improved controls for JavaFX applications. The library is designed to be easy to use and integrate seamlessly into existing JavaFX projects.


  • πŸš€ New JavaFX controls that extend the standard set of controls.
  • πŸ”„ Improved versions of existing JavaFX controls with added functionalities.
  • 🎨 Custom styles and themes for a unique look and feel.


FXtend can be included in your JavaFX project as a dependency using Maven or Gradle.




implementation 'io.github.alialkubaisi:fxtend:1.0.2'



The SecurePasswordField control in FXtend is an enhanced version of the default JavaFX SecurePasswordField. It includes the following features:

  • Eye Icon to Show/Hide Password: Users can toggle the visibility of the password by clicking an eye icon. SecurePasswordField SecurePasswordField
  • Password Strength Validation: An optional popup can display the strength of the password as the user types. SecurePasswordField


To use SecurePasswordField in your application, you can instantiate it with optional parameters to enable strength validation and set a minimum length:

// Create a SecurePasswordField with default settings
SecurePasswordField passwordField = new SecurePasswordField();

// Create a SecurePasswordField with password strength validation enabled
SecurePasswordField validationPasswordField = new SecurePasswordField(true, 12);


The AutoCompleteField control in FXtend provides a text field with autocomplete functionality. It includes a searchMode parameter to determine whether suggestions should match based on "contains", "start with", or "end with".


To use AutoCompleteField in your application, you can instantiate it with a list of suggestions and optionally specify the search mode:

// suggestions is a list of strings, with default search mode (contains)
AutoCompleteField autoCompleteFieldContains = new AutoCompleteField(suggestions);
// Create AutoCompleteField with "contains" search mode
AutoCompleteField autoCompleteFieldContains = new AutoCompleteField(buildSuggestions(), SearchMode.CONTAINS);



The ChatView control provides an interactive chat interface similar to popular messaging applications. It includes features such as:

  • Send and Receive Messages: Easily send and receive messages with built-in handling for both incoming and outgoing messages.
  • Customizable Styles: Choose from several pre-defined styles (DEFAULT, MODERN, DARK) or create your own.
  • Optional Logo for Received Messages: Display a logo image on the received message bubbles.
  • Timestamp Display: Automatically display timestamps for each message, enhancing the chat experience.
  • Message Status Indicators: Display message statuses like "Sent", "Received", or "Read" with visual indicators.


You can instantiate the ChatView in several ways, depending on your requirements:

ChatView chatView = new ChatView(); // Apply default style without adding header
ChatView chatViewWithTitle = new ChatView("title"); // This will add a header in the chat view
ChatView chatViewModern = new ChatView(ChatView.Style.MODERN); // Apply modern style without adding header
ChatView chatViewDarkWithTitle = new ChatView("title", ChatView.Style.DARK); // Apply dark style with title as header

Messages can be sent using the TextField within the ChatView or programmatically using the sendMessage method. To receive messages, use the receiveMessage method.

ChatView chatView = new ChatView();
chatView.sendMessage("Hello, this is a sent message!");
chatView.receiveMessage("Hi! This is a received message.",new Image("/path/to/logo.png")); // Received message with optional logo

ChatViewDefault ChatViewModern ChatViewModernWithHeader ChatViewDarkWithHeader


The TimelineView is a versatile and customizable JavaFX control for displaying a chronological list of entries with flexible configuration options. It provides an intuitive way to visualize historical events, project changes, or user activities.

Key Features

  • Flexible Entry Rendering: Customize how timeline entries are displayed using a TimelineCellFactory
  • Automatic Day Grouping: Optional date-based grouping of entries
  • Expandable History: Configurable initial history limit with show more/less functionality
  • Internationalization Support: Built-in support for translated text
  • Vertical Timeline Visualization: Entries are displayed along a vertical line with interactive knots


To use TimelineView in your JavaFX application, instantiate it with a list of TimelineEntry objects:

// Sample timeline entries
List<TimelineEntry> events = List.of(
    new TimelineEntry(TimelineTextConstants.CREATE, "Alice", "Created the project repository.", new Date()),
    new TimelineEntry(TimelineTextConstants.UPDATE, "Bob", "Updated project requirements.", new Date())

// Create a TimelineView with default settings
TimelineView<TimelineEntry> timeline = new TimelineView<>("Project History", events);
Custom Cell Rendering

For advanced customization, you can define a TimelineCellFactory to control how each entry is displayed:

TimelineCellFactory<TimelineEntry> cellFactory = (event, isNewDay) -> {
    GridPane cell = new GridPane();

    Label actionLabel = new Label(event.action().getTranslatedMessage());
    Label userLabel = new Label(event.username());
    Label dateLabel = new Label(new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm").format(;

    cell.add(actionLabel, 0, 0);
    cell.add(userLabel, 1, 0);
    cell.add(dateLabel, 2, 0);

    return cell;

// Create a TimelineView with custom rendering
TimelineView<TimelineEntry> customTimeline = new TimelineView<>("Custom History", events, cellFactory, TimelineEntry::date);



The InformationDecorator control in FXtend is a versatile decorator component that enhances any JavaFX node by adding an information button with a popover. It wraps your target control and automatically displays context-sensitive help when the button is clicked.

Key Features

  • Decorator Pattern: Wrap any JavaFX node to provide on-demand help.
  • Customizable Button Position: Place the info button on the left or right side (using Pos.CENTER_LEFT or Pos.CENTER_RIGHT).
  • Stylish Popover: A customizable popover displays the provided help text.
  • Simplified Integration: Use the InformationFactory for one-line decoration.
  • Thread-Safe UI Updates: Ensures popover toggling is executed on the JavaFX Application Thread.


Wrap your node with the information decorator using the factory methods:

// Decorate a TextField with an information button (default position: right)
InformationDecorator decoratedField = InformationFactory.addInfoTo(myTextField, "Enter your email address for account recovery.");

// Decorate a TextField with the information button on the left
InformationDecorator decoratedFieldLeft = InformationFactory.addInfoTo(myTextField, "Enter your full name as shown on official documents.", Pos.CENTER_LEFT);
