$2 $0
src_org[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_agda2[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_any[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_emacs-lisp[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_shell[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_python[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_haskell[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_ruby[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_ocaml[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_dot[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_latex[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_org[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_js[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_css[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_sqlite[:exports code]{$1} $0
src_C[:exports code]{$1} $0
${1:`(let* ((τ (read-string “Link type: “)) (δ (read-string “Link Description: “)) (⊤ (if (s-contains? “:” τ) τ (s-concat τ “:”)))) (format ”%s” ⊤ δ))`} $0
console.log(“%c ******* LOOK HERE *******”, “color: green; font-weight: bold;”); console.log({ ${1:List the variables here whose values you want to log} }); $0
${1:`(-let [it (shell-command-to-string “uuidgen | tr ‘[:upper:]’ ‘[:lower:]’ | pbcopy; pbpaste”)] (message “Copied to clipboard, uuid: %s” it) it)`}
(dolist (${1:var} ${2:list-form}) ${3:body})
(cl-defun ${1:fun-name} (${2:arguments}) “${3:documentation}” $0)
(cond (${1:scenario₁} ${2:response₁}) (${3:scenario₂} ${4:response₂}))
${1:fun-name} : ${2:arguments}
Your certainty inspires me to continuing exploring, and I may arrive at your point of view, but I’m going to need more evidence first.
According to the “Canadian Style Guide” (CSG):
The em is an expansive, attention-seeking dash. It supplies much stronger emphasis than the comma, colon or semicolon it often replaces. Positioned around interrupting elements, em dashes have the opposite effect of parentheses—em dashes emphasize; parentheses minimize.
From “A Logical Approach to Discrete Math” (LADM), page ix:
We place a space on one side of an em dash —here are examples— in order to help the reader determine whether the em dash begins or ends a parenthetical remark. In effect, we are creating two symbols from one. In longer sentences—and we do write long sentences from time to time—the lack of space can make it difficult to see the sentence structure—especially if the em dash is used too often in one sentence. Parenthetical remarks delimited by parentheses (like this one) have a space on one side of each parenthesis, so why not parenthetical remarks delimited by em dashes?
Interestingly, according to the CSG, there should be no space before or after an em dash. As such, it appears that the spacing is mostly stylistic; e.g., some people surround em-s with spaces on both sides. In particular, when em-s are unmatched, I make no use of additional space —indeed this form of one-sided parentheses without a space is how LADM is written, as can be seen at the top of page 3.
{{{remark(${1:thoughts})}}} $0
A Mechanisation of Internal Galois Connections In Order Theory Formalised Without Meets https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/bitstream/11375/17276/2/thesis.pdf