- The queue is now runned outside of the Magento default cron system. To run the jobs you will need to run
indexer via the following commandphp -f shell/indexer.php --reindex algolia_queue_runner
You can add it to your crontab just add this line:
*/5 * * * * php -f /absolute/path/to/magento/shell/indexer.php -- -reindex algolia_queue_runner
- The version is fixing bug with deleted products in Magento that are not deleted from Algolia. To be sure to be in sync you should clear at least your products indices from the Algolia dashboard
- As this is a major update you will loose your settings and will need to reconfigure the extension
- NEW: replace custom logic by autocomplete.js and instantsearch.js
- NEW: add total_ordered because ordered_qty does not always make sense
- NEW: add drag and drop for grid in the config page
- UPDATED: More intelligent queue that is able to batch jobs
- UPDATED: Option to have most popular suggestions when no result page
- FIX: issue with configurable and gouped sub_products query
- FIX: replace image helper override by subclass