diff --git a/.github/workflows/deploy.yml b/.github/workflows/deploy.yml index 47f24e1..3f241ff 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/deploy.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/deploy.yml @@ -1,30 +1,28 @@ # This is a basic workflow that is manually triggered -name: Manual workflow +name: Test -# Controls when the action will run. Workflow runs when manually triggered using the UI -# or API. on: - workflow_dispatch: - # Inputs the workflow accepts. - inputs: - name: - # Friendly description to be shown in the UI instead of 'name' - description: 'Person to greet' - # Default value if no value is explicitly provided - default: 'World' - # Input has to be provided for the workflow to run - required: true + push: -# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel +## 2 jobs: - # This workflow contains a single job called "greet" - greet: - # The type of runner that the job will run on - runs-on: ubuntu-latest + ## 3 + unit_tests: + runs-on: [ubuntu-latest] + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job + - name: Unit tests + run: ./gradlew test + ## 4 + android_tests: + runs-on: [ macos-latest ] steps: - # Runs a single command using the runners shell - - name: Send greeting - run: echo "Hello ${{ github.event.inputs.name }}" + - uses: actions/checkout@v2 + + - name: Instrumentation Tests + uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@v2 + with: + api-level: 29 + script: ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest