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1.5. CFF_convert_raw_files

Dr. Alexandre C. G. Schimel edited this page Dec 17, 2024 · 8 revisions

This help page informs the use of function CFF_convert_raw_files in CoFFee.

1. Basic use

Command Description
fData = CFF_convert_raw_files(rawFile) Converts a single, non-paired file rawFile specified as a character string of the file's path (e.g. rawFile='D:\Data\myfile.all') or a 1x1 cell containing the character string (e.g. rawFile={'D:\Data\myfile.all'}).
fData = CFF_convert_raw_files(pairedRawFiles) Converts a pair of files pairedRawFiles specified as a 1x1 cell containing a 2x1 cell where each cell contains the full path as a character string (e.g. pairedRawFiles={{'D:\Data\myfile.all','D:\Data\myfile.wcd'}}). Note: If you omit the double cell (i.e. pairedRawFiles={'D:\Data\myfile.all','D:\Data\myfile.wcd'}), the two files will be converted separately.
fDataGroup = CFF_convert_raw_files(rawFilesList) Converts a list of raw files rawFilesList specified as a cell vector where each cell corresponds to a single file or a pair of files to convert, each of which is specified as above (i.e. a character string for a single file, or a 2x1 cells of paired files (e.g. rawFilesList = {'D:\Data\mySingleFile.all', {'D:\Data\myPairedFile.all','D:\Data\myPairedFile.wcd'}}). Note: Use CFF_list_raw_files_in_dir to generate rawFilesList from a folder containing raw data files.

The default behaviour of CFF_convert_raw_files is that:

  • it converts every datagram supported.
  • it does not reconvert a file that has already been converted if it's found on the disk (fData.mat) with the suitable version. In this case, the data are simply loaded.
  • if an error is encountered, the error message is logged and converting continues (e.g. moves onto the next file).
  • after conversion, the converted data are NOT saved on the hard-drive.

Use the format fData = CFF_convert_raw_files(...,Name,Value) to modify this default behaviour with Name & Value pair arguments. Options are listed below.

2. Conversion type

fData = CFF_convert_raw_files(...,'conversionType',Value) informs the datagrams that need to be read and converted, for different purposes.

Value Description
'everything' (default) Converts every datagram supported.
'seafloor' Converts only datagrams necessary for seafloor (bathymetry and backscatter) processing. Water-column data are ignored.
'WCD' Converts only datagrams necessary for water-column data processing. Seafloor data (bathymetry and backscatter) are ignored unless they are necessary for water-column data processing (in some formats) and in this case are also converted.
'seafloorOrWCD' Converts datagrams necessary for seafloor OR water-column data processing, and complete successfully if either are found.

3. Input/Output management

fData = CFF_convert_raw_files(...,'saveFDataToDrive',Value) controls whether converted data is saved to the drive.

Value Description
0 (default) Data will NOT be saved on the drive.
1 Data will be saved on the drive (in Coffee_files folder).

Note that if water-column datagrams are present and to be converted, then this parameter is overriden and fData is saved to the hard-drive anyway.

fData = CFF_convert_raw_files(...,'forceReconvert',Value) controls behaviour if converted data already exists.

Value Description
0 (default) Skip conversion. Load existing converted data.
1 Ignore existing converted data. Convert raw data.

fData = CFF_convert_raw_files(...,'outputFData',Value) controls output variable.

Value Description
0 Returns empty fData.
1 (default) Returns converted data in fData.

This parameter is to avoid memory errors when converting many files. Use this in combination with saveFDataToDrive set to 1 as a workflow to batch-convert a lot of raw data to the hard-drive for later re-loading.

4. Error management

fData = CFF_convert_raw_files(...,'continueOnError',Value) controls behaviour in case exceptions (errors) occur.

Value Description
0 (default) Normal execution. Execution will be interrupted if an error is encountered.
1 Exception-catch execution. If an error occurs, the error message is logged and execution continues (to the next file).

fData = CFF_convert_raw_files(...,'convertEvenIfDtgrmsMissing',Value) controls behaviour in case some required datagrams are missing.

Value Description
0 (default) Stop conversion and throw error (to be eventually caught if continueOnError is set to 1).
1 Continue conversion. Since a required datagram is missing, you may later get an error.

5. Water-column decimation

fData = CFF_convert_raw_files(...,'dr_sub',Value) where Value is an integer will decimate water-column data conversion in range by a factor of Value. By default, Value equals 1 so that all data are read and converted.

fData = CFF_convert_raw_files(...,'dn_sub',Value) where Value is an integer will decimate water-column data conversion in beams by a factor of Value. By default, Value equals 1 so that all data are read and converted.

6. Progress display

fData = CFF_convert_raw_files(...,'comms',Value) modifies the screen display to follow execution progress.

Value Description
'' (default) No display.
'disp' Display text and progress information in the command window, one line per event. Use for debug.
'textprogressbar' Display text and progress information in a text progress bar in the command window, one line for the entire execution.
'waitbar' Display text and progress information in a MATLAB waitbar (progress bar) figure.
'oneline' Display text and progress information in a dynamic (changing) single line for the entire execution.
'multilines' Display text and progress information in dynamic (changing) multiple lines, on per file. Use to control progress of large batch-conversion jobs.