PyTorch Implementation of AugUndo: Scaling Up Augmentations for Monocular Depth Completion and Estimation
Published in the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024
Authors: Yangchao Wu, Tian Yu Liu, Hyoungseob Park, Stefano Soatto, Dong Lao, Alex Wong
Model have been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 using Python 3.8 and PyTorch 1.11.0 (CUDA 11.1)
If this work is useful to you, please cite our paper:
title={Augundo: Scaling up augmentations for monocular depth completion and estimation},
author={Wu, Yangchao and Liu, Tian Yu and Park, Hyoungseob and Soatto, Stefano and Lao, Dong and Wong, Alex},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},
Code and pretrained models for monocular depth estimation are coming soon!
- Setting up your virtual environment
- Setting up your datasets
- Downloading and running pretrained models
- Training with AugUndo
- Adding your own models to AugUndo
- Related projects
- License and disclaimer
We will create a virtual environment using virtualenv with dependencies for training and testing our models.
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.8 augundo-py38env
source augundo-py38env/bin/activate
export TMPDIR=./
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install torch==1.10.0+cu111 torchvision==0.11.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.10.0 -f
For training datasets, we will use KITTI for outdoors and VOID for indoors. We will additionally use NYUv2, ScanNet, and Make3D for evaluation. Below are instructions to run our setup script for each dataset. The setup script will (1) store images as sequential temporal triplets and (2) produce paths for training, validation and testing splits.
If you already have the above datasets downloaded, link them to a data directory:
mkdir -p data
ln -s /path/to/kitti_raw_data data/
ln -s /path/to/kitti_depth_completion data/
ln -s /path/to/void_release data/
ln -s /path/to/nyu_v2 data/
ln -s /path/to/scannet data/
ln -s /path/to/make3d data/
If you do not already have datasets downloaded, please follow the instructions below.
VOID dataset
Assuming you are in the root of the repository, you can download the dataset via commandline using wget. To construct the same dataset structure use for the setup (data pre-processing) scripts:
wget -O ''
unzip -d data/
mv data/
If you encounter error: invalid zip file with overlapped components (possible zip bomb)
. Please do the following
and run the above again. This should extract the dataset into your data directory. You should expect to see a directory structure that matches the following:
|-- void_release
|-- void_1500
|-- data
|-- <sequence>
|-- image
|-- sparse_depth
|-- validity_map
|-- ground_truth
|-- absolute_pose
|-- K.txt
|-- void_500
|-- void_150
For more detailed instructions on downloading and using VOID and obtaining the raw rosbags, you may visit the VOID dataset webpage.
KITTI dataset
The bash/kitti/
script will download and set up kitti_raw_data
and kitti_depth_completion
for you in your data folder.
bash bash/kitti/
Note that KITTI may require login for download, so you will need to follow their instructions on their website.
Once you have downloaded KITTI (,, from their Amazon S3 bucket, you can use the commands from L186-209 from bash/kitti/
to complete the remaining steps to set up your data directory.
Once completed, you should expect to see a directory structure that matches the following:
|-- kitti_raw_data
|-- 2011_09_26
|-- 2011_09_26_drive_0001_sync
|-- image_00
|-- image_01
|-- image_02
|-- image_03
|-- velodyne_points
|-- 2011_09_28
|-- 2011_10_03
|-- kitti_depth_completion
|-- train_val_split
|-- ground_truth
|-- train
|-- val
|-- sparse_depth
|-- train
|-- val
|-- testing
|-- image
|-- intrinsics
|-- sparse_depth
|-- validation
|-- ground_truth
|-- image
|-- intrinsics
|-- sparse_depth
NYUv2 dataset
For convenience, we have pre-processed the dataset into a subset following KBNet, you may download from the browser via:
or using the following wget command:
wget -O ''
unzip -d data/
mv data/
This will download the
file and unzip it to the data directory.
Note that we will only need the testing split for the dataset.
The zip file is already preprocessed with image and depth frames aligned and synchronized. Alternatively you may want to download the raw data using setup/nyu_v2/
or directly from their website, but will need to process the frames using their MATLAB toolbox. We recommend using the pre-processed data above.
ScanNet dataset
To download ScanNet, please follow the instructions in the ScanNet website. The authors require signing a Terms of Use. Additionally, you will need to use their toolkit from thier github repository
to extract the frames as images and depth maps for each scene into the data directory. Note that for each scene, our data processing scripts assume that the exported color images, depth maps, intrinsics, and camera pose are structured as
|-- scannet
|-- scans
|-- sceneXXXX_XX
|-- export
|-- color
|-- depth
|-- intrinsic
|-- pose
|-- scans_test
|-- sceneXXXX_XX
|-- export
|-- color
|-- depth
|-- intrinsic
|-- pose
Make3D dataset
To download Make3D, please follow the instructions in their website under Make3D Laser+Image data. For the purpose of our experiments, we will only use the test set.
Note that the depth maps are stored as .mat format, which you can load/convert to PNG using MatLAB (or its python equivalent via
For convenience, we have assembled the dataset, you may download from the browser via:
or using the following wget command:
wget -O ''
unzip -d data/
mv data/
|-- make3d
|-- images
|-- img-060705-17.10.14-p-049t000.jpg
|-- laser_data
|-- depth_sph_corr-060705-17.10.14-p-049t000.mat
Once you have extracted or linked the above datasets to your data directory, you can set them up using
python setup/kitti/
python setup/kitti/
python setup/void/
python setup/nyu_v2/
python setup/scannnet/
python setup/make3d/
which will create RGB camera image triplets (for training), sparse depth maps (if not already provided by the original dataset), and intrinsics files. All will be stored in <dataset>_derived
directory within your data directory. Each example will be synchronized across different inputs as separate text (.txt
) files, which contains their relative paths, and will be stored within the training, validation and testing directories with the naming convention of <dataset>_<split>_<data_type>.txt
|-- void
|-- supervised
|-- void_train_ground_truth_1500.txt
|-- void_train_image_1500.txt
|-- void_train_intrinsics_1500.txt
|-- void_train_sparse_depth_1500.txt
|-- unsupervised
|-- void_train_ground_truth_1500.txt
|-- void_train_image_1500.txt
|-- void_train_intrinsics_1500.txt
|-- void_train_sparse_depth_1500.txt
|-- nyu_v2
|-- kitti
|-- scannet
|-- void
|-- void_test_ground_truth_1500.txt
|-- void_test_image_1500.txt
|-- void_test_intrinsics_1500.txt
|-- void_test_sparse_depth_1500.txt
|-- nyu_v2
|-- kitti
|-- scannet
|-- make3d
|-- kitti
|-- kitti_val_ground_truth.txt
|-- kitti_val_image.txt
|-- kitti_val_intrinsics.txt
|-- kitti_val_sparse_depth.txt
If you would like to create your own custom dataset. We recommend following the setup scripts above as examples. We do not assume anything regarding the directory structure of your dataset. The only expectation is that your setup script outputs should be text files with paths aligned across all inputs. Paths pointing to RGB images can be JPG, JPEG, or PNG, depth maps should be 16/32-bit PNGs (where values are scaled by a multiplier, e.g., 256, to preserve precision), and intrinsics should be numpy arrays. Given the paths to them, the inputs can be directly read by our dataloaders.
We provide pretrained models for KBNet, FusionNet (with ScaffNet), and VOICED for monocular depth completion and Monodepth2, HRDepth, and LiteMono for monocular depth estimation. Models are pretrained on KITTI for outdoors and VOID for indoors.
To use our pretrained models trained on KITTI and VOID models, you can download them from Google Drive
Note: gdown
fails intermittently and complains about permission. If that happens, you may also download the models via:
Once you unzip the file, you will find a directory called pretrained_models
containing the following file structure:
|-- depth_completion
|-- kbnet
|-- kitti
|-- kbnet-kitti.pth
|-- posenet-kitti.pth
|-- void
|-- kbnet-void1500.pth
|-- posenet-void1500.pth
|-- fusionnet
|-- scaffnet
|-- voiced
|-- monocular
|-- hrdepth
|-- litemono
|-- monodepth2
AugUndo pretrained models for monocular depth estimation are coming soon!
We provide run (bash) scripts for each set of pretrained weights on KITTI and VOID; note that we reported the average over 4 runs in our paper.
The bash scripts follow the naming convention of run_<model>-<dataset>.sh
and reside in the following directory structure:
|-- depth_completion
|-- run
|-- fusionnet
|-- kbnet
|-- voiced
|-- monocular
|-- run
|-- hrdepth
|-- litemono
|-- monodepth2
You can run a particular pretrained model by the bash command bash bash/<task>/run/<model>/run_<model>-<dataset>.sh
. For example:
bash bash/depth_completion/run/kbnet/
bash bash/depth_completion/run/kbnet/
bash bash/monocular/run/litemono/
bash bash/monocular/run/litemono2/
To run these models on your own custom dataset, please set up your data according to the instructions in Setting up your own dataset. You can replace the input paths in the run scripts to run inference on your own dataset. For example,
--image_path testing/void/void_test_image_500.txt \
--sparse_depth_path testing/void/void_test_sparse_depth_500.txt \
--intrinsics_path testing/void/void_test_intrinsics_500.txt \
--ground_truth_path testing/void/void_test_ground_truth_500.txt \
as in bash/depth_completion/run/kbnet/
which uses KBNet pretrained weights from Void1500 for inference on VOID500.
We provide bash scripts for training the models with AugUndo on KITTI and on VOID. Note: you must have completed the steps above in order to train. You may train from scratch or finetune an existing model.
The bash scripts follow the naming convention of train_<model>-<dataset>.sh
and reside in the following directory structure:
|-- depth_completion
|-- train
|-- fusionnet
|-- kbnet
|-- voiced
|-- monocular
|-- train
|-- hrdepth
|-- litemono
|-- monodepth2
You can run a particular pretrained model by the bash command bash bash/<task>/train/<model>/train_<model>-<dataset>.sh
. For example:
bash bash/depth_completion/train/kbnet/
bash bash/depth_completion/train/kbnet/
bash bash/monocular/train/litemono/
bash bash/monocular/train/litemono/
If you would like to restore a set of pretrained weights to continue training or finetune on another dataset, please follow the directions below.
To restore a set of weights, you can add/modify the --restore_paths
argument in the training bash script. For example,
--checkpoint_path \
trained_models/depth_completion/kbnet/void1500/kbnet_augundo \
--restore_paths \
pretrained_models/depth_completion/kbnet/void/kbnet-void1500.pth \
pretrained_models/depth_completion/kbnet/void/posenet-void1500.pth \
will restore the weights of KBNet and PoseNet pretrained on VOID1500. You will find a similar use of --restore_paths
in the run scripts above.
The order of the paths are set based on the (feedforward) conventions of the model. A special case is for FusionNet, which require loading a set of weights for an auxiliary network like ScaffNet if trained from scratch, but otherwise would be contained within the weights of FusionNet.
Train from scratch:
--checkpoint_path \
trained_models/depth_completion/fusionnet/void1500/fusionnet_augundo \
--restore_path \
pretrained_models/depth_completion/scaffnet/scenenet/scaffnet-scenenet.pth \
Restore from pretrained:
--checkpoint_path \
trained_models/depth_completion/fusionnet/void1500/fusionnet_augundo \
--restore_path \
pretrained_models/depth_completion/fusionnet/void/fusionnet-void1500.pth \
pretrained_models/depth_completion/fusionnet/void/posenet-void1500.pth \
Note that you may omit the path for PoseNet if you would like to finetune the depth model, but train from scratch on the pose model.
Additionally, you may want to take a set of pretrained weights and fintune them on your own dataset.
To finetune on your own custom dataset, please set up your data according to the instructions in Setting up your own dataset and add your unique dataset name into if-else conditions in
so that it can be selected. You can replace the input paths in the training scripts. For example,
on VOID500
--train_image_path training/void/void_train_image_500.txt \
--train_sparse_depth_path training/voidvoid_train_sparse_depth_500.txt \
--train_intrinsics_path training/void/void_train_intrinsics_500.txt \
--checkpoint_path \
trained_models/depth_completion/kbnet/void500/kbnet_augundo \
--restore_paths \
pretrained_models/depth_completion/kbnet/void/kbnet-void1500.pth \
pretrained_models/depth_completion/kbnet/void/posenet-void1500.pth \
or on VOID 150:
--train_image_path training/void/void_train_image_150.txt \
--train_sparse_depth_path training/void/void_train_sparse_depth_150.txt \
--train_intrinsics_path training/void/void_train_intrinsics_150.txt \
--checkpoint_path \
trained_models/depth_completion/kbnet/void150/kbnet_augundo \
--restore_paths \
pretrained_models/depth_completion/kbnet/void/kbnet-void1500.pth \
pretrained_models/depth_completion/kbnet/void/posenet-void1500.pth \
To monitor your training progress, you may use Tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir trained_models/depth_completion/kbnet/void500/kbnet_augundo
tensorboard --logdir trained_models/depth_completion/kbnet/void150/kbnet_augundo
If you would like to add your own model (outside of those we listed above) to train with AugUndo, you can implement the TemplateModel class in
. You will need to implement the following functions:
This can be done as a wrapper by importing your own code based into external_src
, making a copy of
), and following the instructions within it. Most of the functions can be implemented simply by calling those that you have written in your own model (see depth/completion/src/
for an example.) Alternatively, you may make a copy of
and directly implement your model based on the functions.
Once you have implemented your own model, you can add your unique model name into the if-else conditions in
so that it can be selected. Enjoy the performance boost!
You may also find the following projects useful:
- RSA: RSA: Resolving Scale Ambiguities in Monocular Depth Estimators through Language Descriptions. The first work to utilize language for relative- to metric-scale alignment of monocular depth estimators by predicting the transformation parameters from text descriptions of 3D scenes. This work is published in the proceedings of Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2024.
- ProxyTTA: Test-Time Adaptation for Depth Completion. The first test-time adaptation method for sparse-to-dense depth completion. ProxyTTA can adapt pretrained models to novel environments by deploying and updating a single adaptation layer with a single optimization step for high-fidelity inference. This work is published in the proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024.
- WorDepth: WorDepth: Variational Language Prior for Monocular Depth Estimation. The first work to utilize text descriptions of 3D scenes for monocular depth estimation by learning the distribution of 3D scenes for a given description and choosing one that is most compatible with the image. This work is published in the proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024.
- MonDi: Monitored Distillation for Positive Congruent Depth Completion. A positive-congruent (monitored) distillation strategy for training sparse-to-dense depth completion models. The method facilitates unsupervised distillation from a heterogeneous blind ensemble to obtain high-fidelity, real-time models. This work is published in the proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2022.
- KBNet: Unsupervised Depth Completion with Calibrated Backprojection Layers. A fast (15 ms/frame) and accurate unsupervised sparse-to-dense depth completion method that introduces a calibrated backprojection layer that improves generalization across sensor platforms. This work is published as an oral paper in the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2021.
- ScaffNet: Learning Topology from Synthetic Data for Unsupervised Depth Completion. An unsupervised sparse-to-dense depth completion method that first learns a map from sparse geometry to an initial dense topology from synthetic data (where ground truth comes for free) and amends the initial estimation by validating against the image. This work is published in the Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2021 and the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2021.
- AdaFrame: An Adaptive Framework for Learning Unsupervised Depth Completion. An adaptive framework for learning unsupervised sparse-to-dense depth completion that balances data fidelity and regularization objectives based on model performance on the data. This work is published in the Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2021 and the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2021.
- VOICED: Unsupervised Depth Completion from Visual Inertial Odometry. An unsupervised sparse-to-dense depth completion method, developed by the authors. The paper introduces Scaffolding for depth completion and a light-weight network to refine it. This work is published in the Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2020 and the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2020.
- VOID: from Unsupervised Depth Completion from Visual Inertial Odometry. A dataset, developed by the authors, containing indoor and outdoor scenes with non-trivial 6 degrees of freedom. The dataset is published along with this work in the Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2020 and the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2020.
- XIVO: The Visual-Inertial Odometry system developed at UCLA Vision Lab. This work is built on top of XIVO. The VOID dataset used by this work also leverages XIVO to obtain sparse points and camera poses.
- GeoSup: Geo-Supervised Visual Depth Prediction. A single image depth prediction method developed by the authors, published in the Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2019 and the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2019. This work was awarded Best Paper in Robot Vision at ICRA 2019.
- AdaReg: Bilateral Cyclic Constraint and Adaptive Regularization for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Prediction. A single image depth prediction method that introduces adaptive regularization. This work was published in the proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2019.
This software is property of Yale University, and is provided free of charge for research purposes only. It comes with no warranties, expressed or implied.