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Original Xbox Serial USB Adapter


This device allows for serial communication with an original Xbox and is primarily used for kernel debugging.

Xbox Serial USB Adapter Image



Any original Xbox version 1.0 through 1.2 motherboard. Debug and development kits will work without modification, however, retail boxes need to use a hacked kernel (X2 5035 or iND 5004 for example) that initializes superio as well as have a 2x8 2.54mm pin header soldered to the LPC port.


A Windows OS capable of running WinDbg; versions 4.0.0018.0 (XDK) or 6.12.0002.633 have been tested successfully.

KiCad to work with the project files if needed.


Connect a mini USB cable from your PC to the serial adapter, then the IDC cable ends into the serial adapter and Xbox LPC port pin headers respectively, ensuring the correct alignment and orientation as shown in the image above. Incorrect orientation may result in damage to the adapter and/or your Xbox, you have been warned!

Within WinDbg press CTRL+K to bring up the connection dialog and enter 115200 for the baud rate along with the COM# port as detected by your computer in device manager.

WinDbg Connection Image

CTRL+Break can be used to pause execution, F5 to continue, and F10/F11 to step over or through instructions. CTRL+ALT+D will toggle verbose windbg protocol output for troubleshooting if needed. The adapter's blue RX LED indicates signals sent from the PC and the green TX LED from the Xbox.

WinDbg Runtime Image


Bold designators are the bare minimum required for basic functionality but stability may be questionable. The entire UART to USB circuit and/or LED output is optional and can be replaced with an external 3.3V UART to USB cable jumpered to J2 instead.

Count Part/Value Description Designators Notes
1 2x8 2.54mm Pin Header JP1
1 1x3 2.54mm Pin Header J2
1 USB Mini-B SMD 5-pin Female Connector J1
1 SG5032CAN 14.318MHz 5032 Crystal Oscillator Y1
1 LPC47M192 SuperIO U1 The LPC47M157 is also compatible
1 FT231XS UART to USB U2
2 27R 0603 SMD Resistor R1, R3 Filtering
1 470R 0603 SMD Resistor R5 LED power dissipation
1 1.2k 0603 SMD Resistor R6 LED power dissipation
2 10k 0603 SMD Resistor R2, R4 Configuration pull-ups/downs
1 33 Ohm 0603 Ferrite Bead FB1 Filtering, can be substituted with a 0 ohm resistor or solder bridge
3 47pF 0603 SMD Capacitor C4, C6, C7 Filtering
6 10nF 0603 SMD Capacitor C3, C8, C9, C10, C12, C13 Decoupling
2 100nF 0603 SMD Capacitor C2, C11 Decoupling
1 4.7uF 0603 SMD Capacitor C1 Bulk
1 10uF 0603 SMD Capacitor C5 Bulk
1 Green 0603 SMD LED D1
1 Blue 0603 SMD LED D2
External Components
Count Part/Value Description Designators Notes
1 2x8 2.54mm Pin Header N/A Retail Xbox LPC Connector
1 16 Wire 2.54mm Female to Female IDC Ribbon Cable N/A Keep length under 18 inches for best results
1 Mini USB Cable Cable N/A



Contact xbox7887 in XboxDev on Discord.


Schematic Image

PCB Copper Image

PCB Top Image

PCB Bottom Image


Copyright Mike Davis 2019.

This documentation describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the CERN OHL v. 1.2 or later.

You may redistribute and modify this documentation under the terms of the CERN OHL v.1.2 or later. ( This documentation is distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please see the CERN OHL v.1.2 or later for applicable conditions


Original Xbox Serial to USB Adapter







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