diff --git a/my_scripts.js b/my_scripts.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03b9f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/my_scripts.js
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ players is an array to hold each player's information.
+ Fields:
+ name - Football player's name
+ img - The relative/absolute path to the image file.
+ alt - The alternative text that describes the image.
+ year - The student's year in college (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior).
+ major- The student's current college major.
+ games_played - The number of football games the student has played for the Buffs.
+ pass_yards - The total number of passing yards in the student's football career for the Buffs.
+ rushing_yards - The total number of rushing yards in the student's football career for the Buffs.
+ receiving_yards - The total number of receiving yards in the student's football career for the Buffs.
+var players = [{name:"John Doe", img: "../resources/img/player1.jpg", alt:"Image of Player 1", year:"Sophomore", major:"Art", games_played: 23, pass_yards: 435, rushing_yards: 200, receiving_yards: 88},
+ {name:"James Smith", img: "../resources/img/player2.jpg", alt:"Image of Player 2", year:"Junior", major:"Science", games_played: 17, pass_yards: 192, rushing_yards: 102, receiving_yards: 344},
+ {name:"Samuel Phillips", img: "../resources/img/player3.jpg", alt:"Image of Player 3", year:"Freshman", major:"Math", games_played: 8, pass_yards: 35, rushing_yards: 70, receiving_yards: 98},
+ {name:"Robert Myers", img: "../resources/img/player4.jpg", alt:"Image of Player 4", year:"Senior", major:"Computer Science", games_played: 31, pass_yards: 802, rushing_yards: 375, receiving_yards: 128}];
+ Registration Page:
+ viewStudentStats(id, toggle) method
+ parameters:
+ id - The css id of the html tag being updated.
+ toggle -
+ 0 - hide the html tag
+ 1 - make the html tag visible
+ purpose: This method will accept the id of an html tag and a toggle value.
+ The method will then set the html tag's css visibility and height.
+ To hide the html tag (toggle - 0), the visibility will be set to hidden and
+ the height will be set to 0.
+ To reveal the html tag (toggle - 1), the visibility will be set to visible and
+ the height will be set to auto.
+function viewStudentStats(id, toggle)
+ if (toggle === 1){
+ document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "visible";
+ document.getElementById(id).style.height = "auto";
+ }
+ else{
+ document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "hidden";
+ document.getElementById(id).style.height = 0;
+ }
+ Home Page:
+ changeColor(color) method
+ parameter:
+ color- A css color
+ purpose: This method will set the html body's background color to the
+ provided parameter.
+function changeColor(color)
+ document.body.style.background=color;
+ Football Season Stats Page:
+ loadStatsPage method:
+ parameters: none
+ purpose: This method will iterate through the stats table and
+ do the following:
+ 1. Read through each row of the table & determine which team won
+ the game.
+ 2. Update the winner column to the name of the winning team.
+ 3. Keep track of the number of wins/losses for the Buffs.
+ 4. Update the second table to show the total number of wins/losses for the Buffs.
+function loadStatsPage(){
+ var table = document.getElementById("stats_table");//Retrieve our table element
+ var row_counter;//Keeps track of our row index
+ var col_counter;//Keeps track of our column index
+ var opp_score;
+ var home_score;
+ var wins = 0;
+ var losses = 0;
+ for(row_counter = 2; row_counter < table.rows.length; row_counter++)
+ {//Outer for loop iterates over each row
+ home_score = table.rows[row_counter].cells[2].innerHTML;
+ opp_score = table.rows[row_counter].cells[3].innerHTML;//Read in a cells current value
+ if(home_score > opp_score){
+ table.rows[row_counter].cells[4].innerHTML = "CU Boulder";
+ wins++;
+ }
+ else{
+ table.rows[row_counter].cells[4].innerHTML = table.rows[row_counter].cells[1].innerHTML;
+ losses++;
+ }
+ }
+ document.getElementById("wins").innerHTML = wins;
+ document.getElementById("losses").innerHTML = losses;
+ Football Player Information Page
+ loadPlayersPage method:
+ parameters: none
+ purpose: This method will populate the dropdown menu to allow the
+ user to select which player's information to view.
+ To handle this, you will need to iterate through the players array
+ and do the following for each player:
+ 1. Create an anchor tag
+ 2. Set the href to "#", this will make sure the
+ anchor tag doesn't change pages
+ 3. Set the onclick to call switchPlayers method
+ (this will need to pass in the index inside the players array)
+ 4. Set the anchor tag's text to the player's name.
+ After setting all of the anchor tags, update the innerHTML of the dropdown menu.
+ As a note, the id for the dropdown menu is player_selector.
+function loadPlayersPage(){
+ plen = players.length;
+ var drpdwn = document.getElementById("player_selector");
+ var tag = " "
+ for (i = 0; i < plen; i++) {
+ tag +=' '
+ drpdwn.innerHTML = tag;
+ }
+ /*
+ switchPlayers(playerNum) method:
+ parameters:
+ playerNum - The index of the football player in the players array.
+ purpose:
+ This method will update the the spans on the player's information pageX
+ and calculate the average passing, rushing, and receiving yards.
+ Span ids:
+ p_year - the player's year in college
+ p_major - the player's major in college
+ g_played - the number of games played for Buffs
+ player_img - the player's photo (must set src and alt)
+ p_yards - the number of passing yards
+ r_yards - the number of rushing yards
+ rec_yards - the number of receiving yards
+ Calculated values:
+ avg_p_yards - the average number of passing yards for the player's Buff career
+ avg_r_yards - the average number of rushing yards for the player's Buff career
+ avg_rec_yards - the average number of receiving yards for the player's Buff career
+function switchPlayers(playerNum){
+ curplayer = players[playerNum];
+ document.getElementById("p_year").innerHTML = curplayer.year;
+ document.getElementById("p_major").innerHTML = curplayer.major;
+ document.getElementById("g_played").innerHTML = curplayer.games_played;
+ document.getElementById("player_img").src = curplayer.img;
+ document.getElementById("p_yards").innerHTML = curplayer.pass_yards;
+ document.getElementById("r_yards").innerHTML = curplayer.rushing_yards;
+ document.getElementById("rec_yards").innerHTML = curplayer.receiving_yards;
+ document.getElementById("avg_p_yards").innerHTML = (curplayer.pass_yards/curplayer.games_played).toFixed(2);
+ document.getElementById("avg_r_yards").innerHTML = (curplayer.rushing_yards/curplayer.games_played).toFixed(2);
+ document.getElementById("avg_rec_yards").innerHTML = (curplayer.receiving_yards/curplayer.games_played).toFixed(2);