A python web app that lets a user enter a topic and get the current polarity on that topic through sentiment analysis on recent tweets.
Live version can be accessed at https://twitter-opinion-analyzer.herokuapp.com/
Here are two examples of the app in action, using the words "Love" (which has a overwhelmingly positive polarity) and "Hate" (which has an overwhelmingly negative polarity).
git clone https://github.com/alexfrankcodes/twitter-opinion-analyzer.git
cd twitter-opinion-analyzer
source env/Scripts/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: executing flask run
at this stage will open the app, but you will encounter an error if you try and submit a search term. In order to fully run the application, you must connect with the Twitter API and insert your own values for the API_KEY
variables in app.py
- 0.0.1
- Work in progress
I'm currently considering alternate ways of calculating and displaying polarity. I'm mainly interested in trying to categorize how strong an opinion is and communicating that to the user, formatted in a way such as the following:
"The opinion on this topic is [ barely/slightly/moderately/strongly ] [ positive/negative ]."
Alexander Frank – @alexfrankcodes – alexfrankcodes@gmail.com