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Universal TI CC430 for Arduino (uniti)

Universal MSP430 + CC110X for Arduino

This project aims to make panStamp a universal CC430 chip and other MSP430 based cores capable to be programmed using internal or external clocks, switchable carrier frequencies and many other tuneable features, with just a change in the board selection or using a #define argument. The default behaviour of the CC430 chipset is to operate with minimal external hardware requirements, meaning that only 1 XTAL clock is required for the RF modulation and the other clocks (Auxiliary Clock, Master Clock and Subsystem master Clock) will be sourced internally with minimal power consumption. For help, APIs and other useful stuff, check the Wiki page of this repo.

Specifications & Features

  • MCU: CC430F5137 (MSP430 core + CC1101 radio SOC)
  • Speed: Programmable between 1MHz, 8Mhz, 12Mhz and 20MHz (Default is 12Mhz)
  • Clock: 5 sources programmable through UCS
  • Timers: 4 sources (Timer_0, Timer_1, RTC & WDT)
  • Flash: 32KB + RAM: 4KB
  • Info memory/EEPROM: 512 bytes
  • 6 x 12-bit ADC inputs
  • 30 x GPIO supporting I2C, SPI, IrDA & UART comm. protocols through USCI
  • Interrupts via Pins, RF, Clock & Timer
  • Unique MAC address
  • Voltage range: from 2VDC to 3.6VDC
  • Rx current: 14 mA max.
  • Tx current: 36 mA max.
  • Power Saving Features with Sleep current: 2.5 uA (Powered from BAT pin)
  • Maximum Tx power: over +20 dBm (adjustable)
  • RF bands: 315/433/868/915/918 MHz ISM bands (Default is 868 Mhz)
  • Communication distance: Over 1Km at 4800 bps (Under good LoS conditions)
  • 128-bit AES Hardware Security Encryption over Radio
  • Support for FHSS (Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum) & Manchester Encoding
  • Modulation: 2-FSK, 2-GFSK(default), ASK/OOK, MSK
  • Programmable via SBW, serial BSL and wirelessly (SWAP)
  • Hardware Real Time Clock & Calendar
  • Internal Temperature, Voltage & Signal Strength indicator
  • Password protection for program memory
  • Reset cause detector


We recommend Arduino IDE as your development environment and serial protocol as your programming method. The programmer of choice should be a regular 3.3V USB-to-UART(RS232) serial programmer (WCH, FTDI, Silabs or other brands) with DTR & RTS pins. You may need to press "Upload" more than once to sucessfully upload the program onto the board. Once programmed, if using a FTDI chip, the program should start automatically, but in case of other chips, you may need to disconnect or ground the RTS pin to start the program or use a 104(100nF) capacitor between RTS and TEST pins to automatise this. To program from Arduino IDE to the board you should connect the pins as they follow:

|.......................|VCC --> VCC|......................|

|.......................|GND --> GND|....................|

|..UART.........|RTS --> TEST|........CC430..|

|.......................|DTR --> Reset|....................|

|.......................|RX --> TX|.............................|

|.......................|TX --> RX|.............................|

Pin mapping

Pin Definitions Note: not all pins support INPUT_PULLUP definitions like D24-27.

Info memory

CC430 processors do not include EEPROM space. Instead, they provide a special region in Flash to store configurations. This region is called info memory and is 512 bytes long in the CC430F5137 MCU. The panStamp library provides the necessary functions to use this info space as any other EEPROM-based region. The detailed structure of the CC430 memory is listed below:


Serial monitor

To save programming resources, Arduino IDE doesn't load the HardwareSerial API by default, that is, you can't use "Serial.begin()" or "Serial.print()" unless you include "#include<HardwareSerial.h>" to your code. With regards to Serial Monitor, the DTR pin has to be disconnected or grounded (with a switch) to start the Serial Monitor. A Java-BSL fix should be on the way. Also, avoid using the Serial monitor if the code contains panstamp.sleep() calls as this will shut off some serial functionalities, or end it with Serial.end() before you call any sleep commands..

Radio Frequency

To change frequencies from 868Mhz to 443Mhz for example, you would traditionally call "panstamp.init();" to your code. That is not the case anymore as the new API doesn't allow this behaviour and frequencies can be changed by editing "DEFAULT_CARRIER_FREQ" from "panstamp_nrg\hardware\msp430\1.1.0\cores\panstamp\panstamp.h". Other cool things can be changed from both the .h and .cpp file like FHSS hops and timer settings. Also, there is a new instruction you can call in the setup of your sketch and that is ";". Available frequencies are: 433, 868 (default), 915 & 918 Mhz.


To interrupt the MCU from sleeping or doing its infinite loop, the CC430 employs external interrupts. These interrupts can originate from the RF (packet received), the Timer or through its external pins (pins P1.x to P2.x / D0 to D15).


Used in a variety of implementations like signal triggers and timed events, these timers are organised as it follows:

  • Watchdog timer : Used by delay(), resets the MCU after a specified event.
  • Timer1_A3/TA0 with 5 comparators: Used by writeAnalog() (PWM output). Also used by "modem" to detect time-outs between serial transmissions (Timer1A0 library)
  • Timer0_A5/TA1 with 3 comparators: Used by writeAnalog() (PWM output) and FHSS Dwelling timer ISR.
  • RTC timer : Used by cc430rtc.cpp (panstamp.sleepSec())


  • Add support for more chips and switchable through #define arguments.
  • Update rf bootloader with VLO as clock source because rfloader.lst is in hex/assembly.
  • Add each and every library and sketch to support & demonstrate every feature listed above.
  • Make the clock source, carrier frequency and other switches easily adjustable.
  • Make the UART programmer easily switchable between programming mode, running mode & Serial Monitor mode.
  • Allow the delay() function to work within ISR or at least leave a warning message.
  • Allow declarations like if(a == 1||2) instead of only if(a==1||a==2). [Requires compiler update]
  • Allow the serial monitor to work with attachInterrupt(), pinMode() and sleep modes reliably, or leave a warning behind.
  • Serial Monitor works between 300 - 74880 bps. Further than that, the data is unintelligible and needs caibration.
  • Make P5 pins switchable between GPIO mode and XT1 mode.
  • Make the Arduino program the chip on the first try. [Requires java upload script change]
  • Leave a warning behind when using RX and TX pins as GPIO pins and Serial Monitor at the same time.
  • Make delay(), delayMicroseconds() and timerx.start() consistent and not offset with the real time.


CC430F5137 core files for Arduino IDE







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  • C 83.7%
  • C++ 12.8%
  • Makefile 1.2%
  • Objective-C 1.0%
  • Python 0.8%
  • Logos 0.4%
  • Shell 0.1%