This is a mini-app for the VK social network where you can find out the age of a name and interesting facts about cats.
Users should be able to:
- Open the application in the VK social network
- Choose from two menu items: cat facts and name age
- Receive a cat fact by pressing a button. The cursor in the text field should be placed after the first word
- Enter a name and receive the age of the name by pressing a button or after 3 seconds of finishing typing
- Receive an error message in case of an attempt to duplicate a request
The application should cancel the request if the result of the previous one is no longer needed (in case of slow internet).
- Solution URL:
For local installation, you need to run the following command in the terminal of the project directory:
npm install
To start in development mode, you need to run the command:
npm run dev
- VK UI - This is a library of adaptive React components for building web applications
- React - JS library
- TypeScript
- Feature Sliced Design - Architectural methodology for frontend projects
- Tan Stack Query - Powerful asynchronous state management
- React Hook Form - Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation
- YUP - Dead simple Object schema validation
- Cat Facts API
- Age prediction api