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Distributed Execution of SQL Queries over Trino (Information Systems - NTUA)


This project, undertaken for the Information Systems course at ECE NTUA, explores the performance of Trino, a distributed SQL query engine, across various data distribution strategies, worker configurations, and query complexities. Using PostgreSQL, Cassandra, and Redis as data sources, we analyze Trino's efficiency by measuring query latency and optimizer plans under different scenarios. The findings provide insights and recommendations for optimizing data distribution and performance in distributed systems.


Set up

Trino cluster setup:

  1. Install Java 17.03 or later:
$ sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk openjdk-17-jre
  1. Ensure you have python installed 2.6 or later:
$ python3 --version
Python 3.10.12
  1. Download and unpack the latest Trino release binary:

You can find the latest version at the Maven Central Repository.

$ wget
$ tar xvzf trino-server-435.tar.gz
  1. Create an etc directory inside the installation directory:
$ cd ./trino-server-435/
$ mkdir etc/
  1. Now you need to create the necessary Trino configuration files inside the /etc directory we previously created:
    • jvm.config

To create and provide the correct configuration for the cluster run the following:

$ touch jvm.config

Add the following lines to each of the configuration files:

# jvm.config content
# Change this to 76-85% of the total memory of your node 
# Change this to the number of your cpu cores of your node 
# content - for the coordinator 
# change localhost with coordinator's ip address
# content - for the workers 
# change localhost with coordinator's ip address
# content
# The name of your cluster<UUID>

You can create a new uuid by running the Linux command uuidgen in your terminal.

# content
  1. You are now ready to start the cluster. At all nodes (while in the default installation directory) run:
$ bin/launcher start

To verify that Trino started you can run:

$ bin/launcher status
Running as 4716

Trino CLI setup:

  1. Download the Trino CLI executable:
$ wget
  1. Make it an executable:
$ mv trino-cli-435-executable.jar trino
$ chmod +x trino
  1. Verify installation:
$ ./trino --version
Trino CLI 435

Database environment

Install the following DBMSs one in each worker node of your Trino Cluster:

PostgreSQL Setup:

  1. Install PostgreSQL:
$ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
  1. PostgreSQL creates a default user with the installation named postgres. To access the Postgres switch to that user and run:
$ sudo -i -u postgres
$ psql
psql (14.10 (Ubuntu 14.10-0ubuntu0.22.04.1))
Type "help" for help.


You now have PostgreSQL working in your node.

Cassandra Setup:

For Cassandra we follow the Debian packages installation guide.

  1. Add the Apache repository of Cassandra to the file cassandra.sources.list. We use the latest major version 5.0:
$ echo "deb 50x main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cassandra.sources.list 
  1. Add the Apache Cassandra repository keys to the list of trusted keys on the server:
$ curl | sudo apt-key add -
  1. Update the packages:
$ sudo apt-get update
  1. Install Cassandra with APT:
$ sudo apt-get install cassandra

To check the Cassandra installation run:

$ nodetool status
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address      Load        Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Rack
UN  203.77 KiB  16      100.0%            f6939e82-88d9-4cfa-a4f8-512b990ac76e  rack1

Cassandra is available in your node.

Redis setup:

  1. Download and install the Redis GPG key:
$ curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg
  1. Add the Redis repository to the package manager:
$ echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/redis.list
  1. Update the packages:
$ sudo apt-get update
  1. Install Redis with APT:
$ sudo apt-get install redis

Database connection with Trino server


  1. Make PostgreSQL accessible from all the cluster. The cluster is in a LAN so we can just expose PostgreSQL to the cluster LAN. In the Postgres configuration file /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf add the IP addresses of the nodes that we want to connect to the PostgreSQL server. Under the # IPv4 local connection: add the following:
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               scram-sha-256
host    all             all             node1-ip/32             md5
host    all             all             node2-ip/32             md5
host    all             all             node3-ip/32             md5
host    all             all             node4-ip/32             md5

To apply the changes restart the PostgreSQL service:

$ service postgresql restart
  1. Add a user in the PostgreSQL database that will be used instead of the default user. As in the installation connect to the PostgreSQL shell as follows:
$ sudo -i -u postgres
$ psql
psql (14.10 (Ubuntu 14.10-0ubuntu0.22.04.1))
Type "help" for help.


Then create a user (ROLE) by running the following command:

postgres=# create role your_username with password 'your_password';

When creating a ROLE in PostgreSQL you also have to create database with the same name. While being logged in as postgres user create a database with the same name as your ROLE name (your_username):

postgres=# CREATE DATABASE trino WITH OWNER 'trino' TEMPLATE template0 ENCODING 'LATIN1' LC_COLLATE='en_US.ISO-8859-1' LC_CTYPE='en_US.ISO-8859-1';

The benchmark data we are going to use are from the TPC-DS benchmark suite. The data require LATIN1 (ISO-8859-1) encoding to be loaded properly. You can use the default UTF-8 if you choose your own data to load.

Important! You will need to add to locale settings on your OS the ISO-8859-1. You can check if its already available by running the command locale -a. If it doesn't exist on your available locals you can install it by running the sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales and selecting the en_US.ISO-8859-1 in the prompt that opens.

You should also create a local user (on your machine) by running the create user --interactive and putting as a username the same username you specified in your PostgreSQL Role.

You can now login to PostgreSQL by running the following command:

$ psql -h your_node_ip -U you_username -d your_database -W
psql (14.10 (Ubuntu 14.10-0ubuntu0.22.04.1))
Type "help" for help.

  1. Add the PostgreSQL to all the Trino Server nodes. Create a file named inside the /etc/catalog/ directory of the Trino server installation (if the catalog directory does not exist, create it) with the following attributes:
  1. Verify that the connector works properly by querying the Catalogs inside the Trino server. Entering the Trino CLI you can run the SHOW CATALOGS; command. PostgreSQL and its data should appear there.

After the addition of the PostgreSQL connector a Trino server restart might be needed.


  1. Following the installation guide for Cassandra it makes the Cassandra server accessible only from localhost. In our cluster it has to be accessible by all the nodes inside our LAN. To achieve that we have to change the Cassandra configuration. In the cassandra.yaml configuration file (located in /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml) we have to make the following changes. Change the seeds from - seeds: "localhost:7000" to - seeds: "your-node-ip:7000". Change the listen and rpc addresses as follows. Listen address from listen_address: localhost to listen_address: your-node-ip and rpc address from rpc_address: localhost to rpc_address: your-node-ip.

  2. Add a "user" (or ROLES as per Cassandra documentation) that will be used to connect to Cassandra from the Trino server we have created. Again at the cassandra.yaml configuration we have to enable PasswordAuthenticator instead of the default AllowAllAuthenticator and CassandraAuthorizer instead of the default AllowAllAuthorizer.

  class_name : org.apache.cassandra.auth.PasswordAuthenticator
authorizer: CassandraAuthorizer

Restart the Cassandra service:

$ sudo service cassandra restart

Then connect to the Cassandra server as follows:

As we previously changed the Cassandra server ip address you have to provide the ip address you previously set as your-node-ip

$ cqlsh -u cassandra
WARNING: cqlsh was built against 5.0-beta1, but this server is 5.0.  All features may not work!
Connected to Test Cluster at
[cqlsh 6.2.0 | Cassandra 5.0 | CQL spec 3.4.7 | Native protocol v5]
Use HELP for help.

To create a ROLE (user) from inside the cqlsh terminal you can run the following command:

cassandra@cqlsh> CREATE ROLE your_username WITH PASSWORD = 'your_password' AND SUPERUSER = true AND LOGIN = true  ;

The above credentials will be used by the Trino connector to access the Cassandra database server.

To create a KEYSPACE (database) via cqlsh (Cassandra CLI) run the following command:

CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS tpcds WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1} AND durable_writes = true;

You may want to grant permissions. You can do so, using the following command:


We will use tpcds keyspace under the user trino.

  1. Add the Cassandra Trino connector to all the cluster nodes. Create a file inside the Trino Server installation directory at the /etc/catalog (if the catalog directory does not exist you also have to create it) named Add the following lines inside the file:

You can find the datacenter_name in the output of the nodetool status terminal command.

  1. Verify that the connector works properly by querying the Catalogs inside the Trino server. Entering the Trino CLI you can run the SHOW CATALOGS; command. Cassandra and its data should appear there.

After the addition of the Cassandra connector a Trino server restart might be needed.


  1. Access Redis Configuration file using the following command:
$ sudo vim /etc/redis/redis.conf
  1. Enable Password Authentication by adding the following line in redis.conf:
requirepass <your_password>
  1. Make Redis listen to a specific (your node's) IP Address. In order to achieve this, add the following line in redis.conf:
bind <node's 4 IP address>

To apply the changes restart the Redis service:

$ sudo service redis restart
  1. Run Redis CLI by running:
$ redis-cli -h <node's IP address> -a <your_password>
  1. Add the Redis Trino connector to all the cluster nodes. Create a file inside the Trino Server installation directory at the /etc/catalog (if the catalog directory does not exist you also have to create it) named Add the following lines inside the file:

The default location of the Table Description Files is the path /home/user/schemas as they are created automatically a python script here.

  1. Verify that the connector works properly by querying the Catalogs inside the Trino server. Entering the Trino CLI you can run the SHOW CATALOGS; command. Redis and its data should appear there.

After the addition of the Redis connector a Trino server restart might be needed.

Working with the TPC-DS benchmark suite

Set up the TPC-DS benchmark suite

  1. Download the TPC-DS source code from their website

  2. Unzip the source code:

$ unzip
  1. Edit the makefile in the /DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1/tools directory and specify the OS of your machine in the OS= line of the makefile.

  2. Compile the code. To successfully compile it without errors you need to install an older version of the gcc compiler. Install it by running sudo apt install gcc-9.

You might also need to install the following packages: flex, bison, byacc Run make:

$ make CC=ggc-9

Generate benchmark data

  1. In the /DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1/tools directory to generate benchmark data run the following command:
$ ./dsdgen -scale <size> -dir <save_directory>

Specify the data sample size with the size parameter. The amount of data is in GBs.

  1. Clean up the generated data. Due to the format of the generated data, by the TPC-DS, not being directly compatible with the PostgreSQL and Cassandra COPY command, we created a script that fixes this issue. In the root directory of our project run the following script:
$ ./utils/

Note: change datadir="../../tpc_data" to the directory you specified when generating the data in step 1.

Loading TPC-DS data to the databases

To set up the database schema and associations, the TPC-DS benchmark provides two essential files located in DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1/tools:

  1. tpcds.sql: Defines the schema with table definitions.
  2. tpcds_ri.sql: Specifies associations between tables by setting foreign key constraints.

Most of the scripts referenced below retrieve authentication and connection details from a .env file structured as follows:





Load Data to PostgreSQL

Schema creation:

Since both are SQL files, they can be used directly without any preprocessing. For this purpose Databases/PostgreSQL/ is created which executes both, tpcds.sql & tpcds_ri.sql.

Data Loading:

The loading of data is accomplished through the Databases/PostgreSQL/ script, which performs the following steps:

  1. Establishes a connection with PostgreSQL database using information from the .env file.
  2. Reads each .dat file under the tpc_data directory, where each file corresponds to a table and contains data for that table. The files use '|' as a delimiter.
  3. Utilizes the COPY command to efficiently load the data into the database.

So after running the following commands under Databases/PostgreSQL/ dir:

$ python
$ python

The database schema should be properly defined, and the PostgreSQL database should be populated with the corresponding data.

The script accepts an optional --partition parameter, allowing selective loading of tables based on partition strategy. You can specify a partition by running:

$ python --partition 1


$ python --partition 2

This will load only the tables defined in the specified partition (1 or 2). If no partition is provided, all tables are loaded by default.

Load Data to Cassandra

Schema creation:

As Cassandra lacks the concept of foreign keys and relational integrity, the file DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1/tools/tpcds_ri.sql is not utilized, and foreign key constraints are not considered. We (correctly) assume that the data adheres to these constraints, and there is no intention to insert additional data or modify existing records.

Since Cassandra does not support SQL, the schema is created using the file Databases/Cassandra/schema.cql, written in CQL (Cassandra Query Language). This file, after necessary modifications to fit Cassandra, defines a keyspace named tpcds and contains the same table definitions as DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1/tools/tpcds.sql. Cassandra/ executes this file.

Data loading:

Data loading in Cassandra follows a similar process to PostgreSQL. The script Databases/Cassandra/ is utilized, employing the COPY command to efficiently load the data into the Cassandra database.

Upon executing the following commands:

$ python Databases/Cassandra/utils/
$ python Databases/Cassandra/

The Cassandra database should have its schema properly established, and data should be successfully loaded.

Similar to, script accepts two parameters:

  • --all_tables=true/false: Specifies whether to load all tables. The default is false.
  • --partition (1 or 2): Defines which partition to load (1 or 2).

Load Data to Redis

Schema creation:

Redis, being a key-value database without built-in support for structured schemas, necessitates an unconventional approach for querying data using Trino with SQL queries. To enable this, we generate JSON schema definition files, describing the structure of each "table" in a manner that Trino can interpret as if they were structured tables.

The schema creation and data loading involve the following files:

  • Databases/Redis/utils/ Defines arrays/lists with essential information about table definitions, including table names, primary keys, table column names, and data types for each column.
  • Databases/Redis/utils/ Generates the JSON schema definition file for each table based on the information provided by

The creates the schemas as the default location in the directory /home/user/schemas. This has to be the same as the directory you have specified in the connector file of Trino.

Data loading:

For loading data into Redis, the following modules and scripts are utilized in conjunction with Databases/Redis/utils/

  • Databases/Redis/utils/ Establishes a connection with Redis using information from the .env file.
  • Databases/Redis/utils/ A module responsible for loading data into Redis utilizing hashes.
  • Databases/Redis/ Employes the above modules in order to properly load data into Redis.

Upon executing the following commands:

$ ./
$ ./

Data is successfully inserted into Redis, and the JSON files are structured in a way that allows Trino to query the Redis data in a structured manner.

Similar to the previous scripts, accepts the following parameters:

  • --table <table_name>: Specifies the name of the table to load into Redis.
  • --partition [1/2]: Loads data for all tables within the specified partition.
  • --cleanup: Cleans up the data file after processing. By default, no cleanup is performed.
  • batch_processing: Enables or disables batch processing. The default is true.


Given that Redis is an in-memory database and certain tables contain millions of records, not all records can fit in memory. Consequently, the insertion process focuses on a subset of the data for practical considerations.

Generating TPC-DS queries

To generate the complete query suite (1 - 99) run the following script while on the root project directory:

$ ./utils/

It outputs all the queries with a unique sequence number in the queries/ directory.

Due to different SQL dialects that Trino and TPC-DS use we also need to make some adjustments in the queries.

Run the following script to make the necessary changes:

$ python ./utils/

To validate if the queries are now compatible with the Trino SQL dialect run the validation script:

$ ./

It outputs on a txt file the validity of each query (true or false).


No Distribution

The Benchmarks/ script executes this initial benchmark. You can modify the QUERIES variable within the script to specify the queries you'd like to test. The script runs each query twice for each database (PostgreSQL, Cassandra, and Redis where applicable) using Trino, and stores the latency results under the Benchmarks/query_results directory.

Fact Table ER-Based Distribution

The Benchmarks/ script handles this benchmark by executing the queries defined in the QUERIES variable in a distributed manner. Each query is run twice, and the results are saved in the Benchmarks/query_results directory. The script accepts an optional parameter: partition [1/2], allowing you to specify whether to run queries for strategy 1 or strategy 2, located in the ../../queries_strategy1 and ../../queries_strategy2 directories, respectively.

Optimized Fact and Dimension Consolidation Distribution

This benchmark is also executed using the Benchmarks/ script, following the same procedure as described above.


The scripts for generating figures are located in the Benchmarks/figure_generators directory, while the generated figures are stored in Benchmarks/figure_generators/figures/. The figure generators are as follows:

  • Generates group1.png, group2.png, and group3.png, which compare PostgreSQL, Cassandra, and Redis (only in group 3) for queries in group 1, group 2, and group 3 based on the no-distribution benchmark.
  • Produces the no_dist_vs_dist1.png figure, comparing the no-distribution benchmark to the first distribution benchmark.
  • Creates the dist1_vs_dist2.png figure, comparing the performance of the first and second distribution strategies.
  • Generates dist_queries_over_workers.png, which shows the performance of the final distribution strategy across different numbers of Trino workers (1, 2, and 3).